5,910 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.06cph!
Converted DecalRotate and DecalScale to prefab attributes
Fixed scale divergence on recycled decals
Better error message when trying to remove LOD components from cells they don't belong to
EntityCollisionMessage correctly handles batched colliders
CurrentVersion no longer cares about patch releases (unless specifically specified)
Util scripts folder cleanup
Added AssetPool (optimized specifically for Unity assets)
Converted mesh pooling to AssetPool
Added pool.assets console command
Reduced GC in the grass and dynamic decor systems
Enabled LOD components on cliff meshes
Set the correct player entity bounds
WaterLevel.Test also works for zero bounds
Added pool.prefabs console command (prints pooled prefab counts)
Clear prefab pool as well when pool.clear is called
Memory pool tracks items in use to idenfity missing frees and foreign items entering the pool
Fixed LODBatch corruption on pooled objects
LOD grid components are now supported on pooled objects
Building skin instantiates are now pooled
Fixed NRE on server start (maybe)
Fixed stability neighbour refreshes
Extension method / utility class cleanup
status console command should never crash
First OOM exception also has the OOM tag set
Dump contains number of batched colliders
Added batching.status console command
Run GC before the loading screen disappears (join, respawn)
Effect changes compile fix
Spawning effects with DecalRecycle is also okay (not just EffectRecycle)
fireballs use proper sound balancing (no dynamic memory allocations, no physics calls, better performance)
Fixed warning in Gib class
Merge from collider-batching (beware dev servers, hide yo savegame backups)
Cleaned up gib spawning mess (made gibs bypass prefab preprocessing and caused huge effect spam)
GameTrace samples terrain splat materials
Don't reallocate player lists every frame in PatrolHelicopterAI
Clamp graphics.af between 1 and 16
Added shaderwarmup convar (run with -shaderwarmup 0 to disable it)
Renamed warmupmode convar to assetwarmup (now only affects asset warmup, not shader warmup)
Fixed LitSmokeEmissiveFlame shader compile error on OSX
Added out-of-memory tag to remote logging (to identify issues that follow OOM)
Fixed gUserMinAniso < 1 occurences
Added socket back to survey_crater_oil (cc Scott, I think)
Fixed mushroom / hemp pickup effect having pebble particles
Fixed performance tracking prefab not being spawned in the editor
Fixed some decal projection distances
Rust.Application.isLoading is true when the map is loading
Rust.Application.isLoadingSave is true whenever a save is loading
Metal and stone barricades can no longer easily be destroyed with arrows
Fixed deploy volumes of all external walls being far too small