10,832 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.12cph!
Eliminated GC allocs from BaseEntity.UpdateParenting
Tweaked EntityLink default capacity
Optimized MaterialColorLerp
RenderInfo debug tool no longer duplicates materials when called
Disabled PlanterBox, EmissionToggle, LaserBea, FlashlightBeam and VendingMachineScreen material adjustments since they were all leaking materials / memory
Removed TransformEx.FindChildren since it's super inefficient and now unused
Fixed material / memory leak from mining quarries
Eliminated GC allocs from MaterialColorLerp.RefreshRenderers
Eliminated GC allocs from PlantEntity.UpdateSkinParameters (called from PostNetworkUpdate)
Re-enabled dynamic batching (too many changes on staging this week, let's compare again next week)
Eliminated needless group creation when trying to destroy an empty network group on the client
Eliminated GC allocs from BaseNetworkable.NetworkDestroy
Just use prefab name on the client in Entity.ToString() to avoid GC allocs
Eliminated GC allocs from MaterialReplacement
Eliminated GC allocs from ItemContainer.Load
Adjusted some memory pool sizes
OnInventoryChanged profiling
Fixed Server.DestroyNetworkable not calling Networkable.Destroy when returning networkable to pool
Disabled dynamic batching (experiement)
Merge from gc_optimizations_2
Prewarm memory pool of certain extremely common types
Optimized memory pool size for networkables and entity links
Rebuilt Facepunch.Network
FindInGroup editor safeguards
Fixed some memory pooling related issues
Fixed stray "virtual" in EntityLink
Fixed duplicate editor entity BuildName from previous merge
Subtracting gc_optimizations
Added LOD mesh swapping support to StagedResourceEntity
Fixed ores using the wrong mesh in the distance when partially broken
Merge from gc_optimizations
Fixed fireball prefab path warning
Fixed hacky workaround in fireball entity code to reference the spread entity
Added pooling to ColliderGroup / RendererGroup / FoliageGroup (eiliminates GC allocs)
Eliminated a 20B GC alloc from RendererKey.GetHashCode (ShadowCastingMode boxing)
DeferredExtension.OnGUI is ifdef UNITY_EDITOR
Deleting ProfileData (unused)
Eliminated SpecialPurposeCamera GC allocs
Eliminated GC allocs from FPSTimer
EffectRecycle / DecalRecycle cache their invoke actions (eliminates GC allocs once pooled)
Entity links are pooled (eliminates GC allocs)
Removed GC allocs from GetComponentInChildrenIncludeDisabled