10,832 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.12cph!
BoneFollower is disabled when following non-moving entities (only set position when updating parenting in that case)
Greatly reduced per-frame overhead caused by BoneFollower (especially around large buildings with tons of doors)
Tree entity client skin instantiation is load balanced
Added clutter layer toggle to F1 dev tools
Clutter layer updates (RUST-772)
Load balancer per-frame time curve tweaks
Tweaked client cycle time (done with testing)
Tweaked client cycle time
Removed some building block overhead when entering a networking group
Fixed building block placeholders being visible for a short time when placing a building block
Don't evaluate neighbour entity links until they're used
Log entity linking progress on server startup separately from the stability support initialization
Increased client per-frame message processing time
Driftwood no longer spawns on rocks
Fixed options opening with wrong tab selected
perf 5 displays frame time
Reapplied sky reflection hack to atmosphere shader
Time of Day update (directional scattering occlusion, cloud coloring parameter)
Fixed a number of issues with the cloud billboard textures
Tree and mesh quality in options go up to 200
Tree and mesh qualities > 100 no longer push back the culling distances
Fixed some river segments failing to be added to the water map
Fixed NRE in TerrainCollision
Slight animal count tweak
Fixed missing albedo / alpha on decal_footprint_human_bare_snow_right
Spawn populations can choose whether to scale with the world size or the filtered spawn area
Animals, loot barrels and ores scale with the world size instead of the filtered spawn area (easier to balance)
Loot barrels always spawn individually (no clusters)
Added spawn.report console command (prints basic spawn handler report)
Rock cull distance tweaks (RUST-626)
Fix for RUST-681 (needs Scene2Prefab)
Missing FPS graph shaders in standalone
Fixed missing FPS graph materials in standalone
Light test 2 (env refl occlusion)
Fixed everything being white in scene view on our main camera (maintaining identical visuals at runtime)
Material zoo nighttime parameters
Fixed errors when running material_zoo scene
Light test (env refl occlusion)
Stripped deprecated tree optimization code
Fixed terrain asset being constantly modified even when nothing has changed
Removed unused foliage shader from ancient times
Removed duplicate / unused footprint assets
Fixed overly bright sand footprints
Grass uses standard shading + specular / smoothness
Projectile movement uses FixedUpdate
Projectile movement causes less garbage
Resource spawn rule tweaks
Hemp is slightly bigger (easier to find)
Fixed resource spawn clustering sometimes not working
Rock cull distance tweaks