
12,532 Commits over 3,806 Days - 0.14cph!

10 Years Ago
Shader preparations for procedural terrain biomes
10 Years Ago
Moved image effects from UI to BG camera to keep UI from randomly not showing up on OS X
10 Years Ago
Added high-pass filtered grass atlas and made it the default to test This maintains some grass texture color variation compared to the grayscale version
10 Years Ago
Unified sound file locations (Content/Sounds)
10 Years Ago
Temporarily changed OS X build to 32bit due to instability issues (revisit with Unity 5)
10 Years Ago
Disabled automatic material import for weapon models Moved weapon materials and textures to correct folders
10 Years Ago
Added terrain shader singlepass skeleton
10 Years Ago
Added terrain shader splat utility method
10 Years Ago
Looks like this meta file can be removed
10 Years Ago
Time of Day update to 2.0.9
10 Years Ago
Time of Day update to 2.0.8
10 Years Ago
Merge from main
10 Years Ago
Code refactoring and formating
10 Years Ago
Renamed AI test scene and added danger test
10 Years Ago
Added AIAvoidDanger behaviour
10 Years Ago
Added AIDanger component
10 Years Ago
Added danger info struct
10 Years Ago
Renamed AIObstacleAvoidance to AIAvoidObstacle
10 Years Ago
Merge from main branch
10 Years Ago
AI test scene cleanup
10 Years Ago
Added configurable punishment value to AI obstacles
10 Years Ago
Beautified AI test scene
10 Years Ago
Made AI movement less insane
10 Years Ago
Tweaked context map default parameters and decision making
10 Years Ago
Added AI waypoint follow script
10 Years Ago
Added configurable distance and time at which a track is lost to AI
10 Years Ago
Added danger direction bloom to obstacle avoidance
10 Years Ago
Only draw gizmos of AI obstacles if selected
10 Years Ago
Made context map decision lerping more reasonable
10 Years Ago
Added AI class prefix to all AI behaviours
10 Years Ago
Updated AI test scene
10 Years Ago
Added ObstacleOBB with closest point calculation
10 Years Ago
Renamed ObstacleQuad to ObstacleAABB and tweaked closest point calculation
10 Years Ago
Added editor gizmo to circle obstacle
10 Years Ago
Added utility methods to get any 2 components of a Vector3 as a Vector2
10 Years Ago
Split ObjectInfo into TargetInfo and ObstacleInfo
10 Years Ago
Added custom obstacle data structures
10 Years Ago
Merge from main
10 Years Ago
Removed some unused variables
10 Years Ago
Better way of handling targets and obstacles Simplified and improved follow and obstacle avoidance behaviours
10 Years Ago
Removed AI entity decision lerping
10 Years Ago
AI entity-wide layer mask for faster physics queries
10 Years Ago
AI context map refactoring
10 Years Ago
AI follow tweak
10 Years Ago
AI obstacle avoidance fix
10 Years Ago
AI context map utility methods
10 Years Ago
AI movement prediction improvement
10 Years Ago
AI context map interpolation
10 Years Ago
AI behaviour prototypes using context maps
10 Years Ago
AI context map extensions