115,225 Commits over 3,959 Days - 1.21cph!
optimization pass
adding cave and bucket lift LODs
Added biome tinting to two-way blend shader (RUST-1342)
cave debug digits added to cave scenes (easier to target bugs that way)
reduced the amount of caves total spawning to a maximum of 25 possible (same as the old cave)
scene2prefab caves
Added entity debug commands to server build as well
sewer tunnels and rooms prefabs have their own prevent_building volumes
timber mine prefabs have their own prevent_building volumes
Entities can opt out of the load balanced game object destruction (makes sense for held entities)
Fixed certain entities sending a group changed message before they spawned (which is pointless and ignored on the client)
Log warning when trying to change the group of an entity that does not exist on the client
Added some entity debugging tools (find, find_group, find_id)
added glue
added propane tank
added roadsgins
added sheetmetal
added sticks
updated lootspawn to optionally use a min/max amount to spawn
template component loot table
mp5 viewmodel and worldmodel prefabs and sound f/x
Bunker rooms dressing scene for prefabs
progress, prevent building volumes outside caves
Adding a 0.5m padding to building allowed zones in caves to allow for slight construction angles and alignment error
Cave_small_easy entrance rubberbanding fix
Cave_small_medium layout rework
Improved bucket design to not clip with player's camera
Made animation less choppy - got boring after a while
beam puzzles a notch easier
Made beam jumping puzzles easier
Fixed several blockers, jump shortcuts
Moved cginc in shaders/include/standard to shaders/standard/include
Moved cginc in shaders/include/speedtree to shaders/nature/include
Moved grass and std-speedtree* to shaders/nature
Fixed cginc paths in all relevant shaders
Moved water scrips from 3rdparty to scripts/procedural/water
Moved water resources and materials to content/nature/water
Moved water shaders to content/shaders/water
Renamed WaterEx component to Water
fixed a hole in timber mine block T junction
layout improvements cave_large_medium
Added industrial prop c and metallic material fixes
model grid tweaks
adding cave_large_medium files wip
Fixed WaterVisibilityTrigger compile error when set to SERVER in the editor
Added support for mesh renderers to wearable pooling
Fixed pumpkin not shown on player after initial use (RUST-1340)
Forcing half res height/slope map until we have decent quarter res precision for foliage displacement
Fixed moon darkening on the horizon; less hacky way to handle the revz case
Fixed players blur visible behind walls (RUST-1341); regression triggered in
Cave_large_hard end
Adding Cave_large_sewers_hard files wip