116,331 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Cleaning up unnessecary construction renderer scripts alerting the console
~~ Fixing missing meshes errors for the previous 3 skins
Stone skin tier LODs and setup in prefabs
Wood tier wall block LOD distance tweaks
improved the 3rd person animations when player holds a rock
Wood skin tier LODs and setup in prefabs
Improved normal encoding for transmissive surfs
Improved semi-auto terrain mesh blend; now independent control over distance and steepness blends, height masked, follows mesh normal, etc..
Fixed always hitting temp register issues at every corner by refactoring terrain shader code
Added proper atlas set names to override splat selection; also fixed overrides
Twig skin tier LODs and setup in prefabs
Re-enabled ambience sounds by default (gulp)
Time of Day update to 3.0.1f2
More skin variations
Fixed bluehair syndrome
Fixed some arms on some viewmodels using the wrong material
merge from building_skins2 - ~skins dirt accumulation and other fixes
Updated some image effect shader syntax
Time of Day update to 3.0.1
Added aerial density and fog color to climate blending
fixed the scaling on the water footsteps
Fixing end corners spawning into adjascent pillars/walls
Arrows are cheaper and you get 2 per crafting session
2 shotgun shells per crafting session
Updated Rock Normal and overlay maps.
Make sure looping sounds continue playing when their gameobject is disabled and re-enabled
Fix missing sounds on a few in-world objects
Impact sound volume tweaks
Fix reverb falloff on gunshots not updating before the sound starts playing & optimize reverb/highpass falloff scripts
Backup before maybe ruining the terrain.
improved 3rd person walking with rifle.
tweaked idle animations for the rifle / torch / unarmed
new special fx for footsteps in water
Tweaked DecorComponent seed handling
Tweaked cliffs
Improved randomness of SeedRandom.Sign
removed culling from wall blocks lods
twig skin square/triangle floors dirt acumulation
Changed rock material adjustments from Start to Awake
some material blend tweaks
wood skin square/triangle floors dirt acumulation
Made all per-object decor randomizations fully modular
water footsteps stay on the surface of the water now
stone skin vertex alpha fixes stairs/ half block
metal skin square/triangle floors dirt acumulation