116,344 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
pvt enabled by default, saved properly
added wolf flinching animations
Fix ambience node always thinking the environment has changed
Unify join/leave message style in server console
Fixed missing collider ~ top tier door
Hardcoding some values in skin shader
updated bota vm anims & clips
Unify join/leave messages
Fixed detail normals on mesh blend; cleaned some warnings
Tweaked topology dilation destination masks
Replaced hill noise with a nicer-looking, more noisy variant
playerskin2.tga was moved apparently :s
Fixed possible warning in tangent calculation when aligning decor
Added more descriptive procedural component loading statuses
playerskin2 materials plus textures
Signs break properly when parent dies
Planner placing deploybles works properly
Changed how guide skins work (simpler, generic, reliable)
Re-exported satellite dish LODs and collisions, refactored prefab scene
Made standard refraction shader blending physically correct (alpha only affects diffuse)
Server executes server.cfg properly
Server saves "saved convars" to serverauto.cfg, which runs right before server.cfg
Fact check player counts
fixed the bug with the player animating like a complete retard
Deploying non buildingblock entities with planner tool
added flinches for bear and some more flinches for human.
autosprint after 2 seconds
each strike with eoka increases chances next strike will make it fire
fixed some warning msgs regarding flinches
You can remove unlocked locks from doors