116,272 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Finalized rock & cliff prefabs.
Added stone pickaxe
First pass balancing building blocks & melee
Water footsteps first pass
Corpses hang around for 30 minutes, instead of 2 minutes
Added stone pickaxe vm prefab
Added stone pickaxe anim controller
Added vm stone pickaxe anims & anim events
Updated sedimentary Rock files
Fixed an offset that resided in the wall.window master prefab pushing all window bars meshes off center
Roof ceilings for each type of skin
Closing holes and gaps on thatched skin as well as possible
Fixed armored window and window frame not being the correct size.
Metal window bar reset xform, scale was fuxxed
Other smaller things..
improvements to the 3rd person bow animations ( idle / walking / runngin )
Fixed ragdolls spawning weird
Ragdolls are less spazzy
Player preview in inventory menu displays genes properly
Player corpses inherit genes properly
Added Sedimentary rock detail textures
Added sedimentary rock set
Shortened world checksum to two segments (way faster and still fairly safe)
More AI profiling
Server performance fixes
Fixed skinnedMesh error
Head texture swapping based on steamid
Added specular/smoothness to the skin shader, tweaked for more skin colour variation
Stone pickaxe view and world model with LODs.
Minor iceberg spawn filter fix
Strip Unity / ST tree component from server builds
Greatly reduced serverside tree collider counts
Rock & cliff prefab finalization 1/2
Added conditional logic for all roof blocks
Begin playback in Start instead of Awake on SoundPlayer so sounds start after EffectAudioPerspectiveSwitcher does it's thing (temp fix until I implement a more general solution for adjusting sounds before beginning playback)
Skin colour is based on steamid
Fixed a case where wall pieces would spawn a corner meshes through T connected walls (for all remaining wall pieces)
Added conditional models for wall.low top tier
Fixed repeating pattern on stone roof
Fixed a case where wall.low pieces would spawn a corner meshes through T connected walls
Added end piece conditional mesh to close off wall end (wall.low.stone).
Added end piece conditional mesh to close off wall end (wall.low.wood).
Added end piece conditional mesh to close off wall end (wall.low.metal).
Added conditional meshes for metal wall.low and metal foundation blocks
Conditional meshes fully working for stone and toptier foundation blocks - lots less overdraw :3
Improved stone textures readability even more
made some improvements to the 3rd person pistol animations.
Changed fog mode in procedural map
made some improvements to the torch fire f/x; tweaked the deploy on the salvaged axe
Atmospheric improvements, scene stuff and file cleanup.