
515 Commits over 700 Days - 0.03cph!

6 Months Ago
edited blunderbus reload animation. the hammers now get cocked back.
6 Months Ago
exported wolf run attack shorter anim and edited wolf prowl anim
7 Months Ago
exported edited wolf idle1, wakeup and idle to sleep anims
7 Months Ago
player update. added rifle stance walk anims to the neccessary weapon holdtype override controllers
7 Months Ago
player update. exported rifle stance walking anims
7 Months Ago
player update. exported unarmed diagonal walk anims and set them on playeranimation controller
7 Months Ago
player update. updated neccessary weapon override controllers with 3/4 stance rifle jog anims
7 Months Ago
player update. updated some holster positions on weapons
7 Months Ago
player update. updated playeranimation.controller. added walk e back in it
7 Months Ago
player update. made unique compound bow deploy and fire anims to match viewmodel
7 Months Ago
exported Wolf_GrowlRunToWalkBack animation
7 Months Ago
updated wallpaper view/ world model prefabs and vm rig with latest mesh
7 Months Ago
updated wallpaper entity with latest world model meshes
7 Months Ago
latest wallpaper viewmodel mesh added to prefab and rig
7 Months Ago
skinned latest wall paper viewmodel in rig and updated anims for it
7 Months Ago
player update. setting up bows
7 Months Ago
updated wall paper viewmodel prefab and rig with latest viewmodel mesh and edited its anims
7 Months Ago
wall paper viewmodel render script compoment added to prefab and vm anims edited so the wallpaper is lower
7 Months Ago
setting up wallpaper viewmodel.
7 Months Ago
playerupdate. crossbow idle anims clip ranges edited to make them stable
7 Months Ago
setting up wallpaper viewmodel in unity
7 Months Ago
wallpaper entity updated with wallpaper wm
7 Months Ago
exported wallpaper viewmodel rig/anim set with latest wallpaper model
8 Months Ago
edited dpv character animations and edited ik position for hand on its deployed prefab
8 Months Ago
player update. 3p handcuff anims exported with wounded anims. WoundedFromCrawlingHandcuffed override controller updated with the wounded handcuffed anims
8 Months Ago
exported the wallpaper view model rig and animations and made a viewmodel.prefab for it and wall paper animator
8 Months Ago
player update rocket launcher reload anim for the weapon speed changed from 0.5 to 1
8 Months Ago
player update. handcuffs setup and anim set export
8 Months Ago
player update. rocket launcher anims set up to match the viewmodel, holster position set and dragon launcher set up
8 Months Ago
swim forward meta file
8 Months Ago
player update. editing rocket launcher anims to match viewmodel
8 Months Ago
player update. added y transform offset to swim N anim to match the height of the treadwater anims
8 Months Ago
populated playerAnimation.controller with latest 3p anims
8 Months Ago
exported edited DPV anims and created ascend/descend anims
8 Months Ago
player update. edited crossbow deploy anim to match the viewmodel
8 Months Ago
player update. sks set up
8 Months Ago
exported wolf run 180 turn left to run rm and wolf attack 1 rm anims
8 Months Ago
DPV 3rd person animation updated and sit DPV paramameters edited on the playeranimation controller so the anims kick in quicker
8 Months Ago
exported wip on DPV 3rd person animations
8 Months Ago
exported wolf run hit left and right animations
8 Months Ago
set mount pose to sit _DPV on DPV deployed prefab
8 Months Ago
exported wolf run hit 3 rm animation
8 Months Ago
exported wolf run hit 2 anim
8 Months Ago
exported wolf run hit animation test
8 Months Ago
exported/set up dpv anims and added to dpv blendtree playeranimation.controller
8 Months Ago
exported wolf run turnleft 150 to run test anim
8 Months Ago
set wolf anims that need to loop to looping and edited name of wolf rotate L/R anims
8 Months Ago
exported wolf prowl anim at origin
9 Months Ago
renamed 'new wolf anims' folder to 'anim2024_update' and added _rm to the end of wolf 180 turn and run attack anims
9 Months Ago
exported wolf idle 1 and 5 anims and shortened wolf run attack to remove the growling part