
260 Commits over 396 Days - 0.03cph!

45 Days Ago
player update nailgun set up in unity
45 Days Ago
player update. eoka pistol exported and set up
48 Days Ago
player update. p17, glock and m92 pistols entities and override controllers updated to use new pistol anim set
48 Days Ago
assigned minigunammobelt material to the ammobelt on minigun viewmodel prefab
49 Days Ago
player update. setting up p17 weapon
49 Days Ago
player update. metal detector entity item held position edited and override controller updated with latest idle pose
49 Days Ago
edited minigun viewmodel anims
50 Days Ago
minigun viewmodel exported with ammo belt
50 Days Ago
edited minigun world model anims
50 Days Ago
exported latest minigun ammo backpack
51 Days Ago
player update. CNY spear entity edited so it sits in the player hands correctly
52 Days Ago
player update. regular/beach/secret labs/rocking chair prefabs and anims edited so sit pose is correct.
52 Days Ago
player update. set up torch, skull torch and divers torch.
55 Days Ago
player update. exported anim set and setting up divers and fire torches
55 Days Ago
player update. finished setup of the 2 guitars and bass instruments
56 Days Ago
player update. exported/setting up guitar anim set
56 Days Ago
player update. set guitars and shovel bass entities to use spine 3 instead of spine 4
56 Days Ago
player update. edited drumkit deployed entity so drum sticks are positioned in the hands correctly
56 Days Ago
player update. geiger counter entity edited so it is held correctly and its holdtype updated with latest idle pose
56 Days Ago
player update. edited horse sitting pose so the hands do not clip into the saddle
56 Days Ago
playe rupdate. edited botabag override controller so latest drink and pour anims trigger
57 Days Ago
player update. tuba entity edited so the tuba is linked to spine 3 instead of spine 4 and is held correctly also its holdtype updated with latest idle pose
58 Days Ago
player update. tamborine holdtype updated with latest idle pose
58 Days Ago
player update. tamborine entity edited so the it is held correctly and its holdtype updated with latest idle pose
58 Days Ago
player update. cowbell entity edited so the it is held correctly and its holdtype updated with latest idle pose
58 Days Ago
player update. pan flute entity edited so the it is held correctly and its holdtype updated with latest idle pose. xylophone deployed prefab updated so the drum sticks are held correctly
58 Days Ago
player update. megaphone entity edited so the it is held correctly and its holdtype updated with latest idle pose
58 Days Ago
player update. trumpet entity edited so the trumpet is placed correctly and its holdtype updated with latest idle pose
58 Days Ago
player update. exported updated homing missile launcher anim set and holster position updated on its entity
59 Days Ago
player update. homing missile launcher anims exported and set up
2 Months Ago
player update. snowball and birthday cake entites edited so the player holds them correctly
2 Months Ago
player update. added deploy for candy cane and quick attack to 3p melee anim set
2 Months Ago
player update. edited entities for candy cane, concrete pickaxe/hatchet, lumber jack axe/pick axe, pipewrench, sickle and diver hatchet so they hold and holster correctly. Also made holdtype override controllers for pipewrench and candy cane sto play their unique deploy anims.
2 Months Ago
player update. spear and pitchfork holster position edits
2 Months Ago
player update. edited 2h melee attack and deploy anims to match the viewmodel anims better
2 Months Ago
player update. snowball gun entity edited to use r prop also gun held position and holster positions edited. grenade launcher holster position edited and combat knife held postion slighlty changed
2 Months Ago
player update. exported/set up hammer deploy and attack anims and created hammer override controller for it
2 Months Ago
player update. exported/set up salvaged axe, hammer and icepick deploy and attack animations and made new holdtype override controllers for them
2 Months Ago
player update. edit salvaged icepick, hammer and axe entities so the player holds the weapons correctly and they are holstered nicely
2 Months Ago
player update. baseball bat and salvaged cleaver entity updates for correct holster and held positions
2 Months Ago
player update. stone pickaxe entity edited so weapon holster and held postion is correct
2 Months Ago
player update. edited pitchfork and wooden spear entities so holster position and weapons are held correctly.
2 Months Ago
player update. exported/setup machete weapon animation set to use for machete and salvaged sword. made machete override holdtype controller and assigned to the two weapons.
2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
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