
260 Commits over 396 Days - 0.03cph!

2 Months Ago
player update. longsword held and holster positions edited
2 Months Ago
player update. diver pickaxe holding and holster positions set up
2 Months Ago
player update. exported/setup boneclub anim set and made holdtype override controller for it
2 Months Ago
player update cassette recorder enitity updated
2 Months Ago
player update. cassette recorder holdtype updated with latest idle pose and cassette entity updated so the player holds it correctly.
2 Months Ago
player update. boombox animation set exported/set up in unity
2 Months Ago
player update. flashbang/beacon/f1/survey grenade entity edits to hold correctly in hand and use r prop bone
2 Months Ago
player update. edited satchel/timed explosive entitys so the player holds them correctly
2 Months Ago
player update. holdtype syringe override controller updated with latest idle pose
2 Months Ago
player update. holdtype wire override controller updated with latest idle pose.
2 Months Ago
player update. edited small water bottle entity bottle position so the player holds it correctly
2 Months Ago
player update. using updated idle pose on keycard holdtype override controller and updated generic deploy prefab to use r_prop
3 Months Ago
player update. exported/setup jerrycan animation set. made new holdtype controller for it and edited water jug entity
3 Months Ago
player update. jackhammer holster position edit and set updated idle pose its override controller
3 Months Ago
player update. exported/set up mobile phone anim set and populated its override controller with the new anims
3 Months Ago
player update. Edited spraycan handhold position and updated spraycan override controller to use the update unarmed idle pose
3 Months Ago
player update. exported/setup rf transmitter anim set, created new overholdtype for it and edited detonator entity
3 Months Ago
player update. exported/set up flashlight anims, updated its flashlight entity and override controller.
3 Months Ago
player update. edited holster position for binoculars
3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
player update. exported/set up binoculars animation set and populated its holdtype controller with the new anims
3 Months Ago
player update. bota bag holdtype override controller updated with new bota bag anim set
3 Months Ago
player update. added unarmed idle pose to camera and instant camera holdtype overridecontroller
3 Months Ago
player update. exported/set up bota bag animations
3 Months Ago
player update. edited construction holdtype override controller
3 Months Ago
player update. edited building plan anims and set planner to use rprop bone instead of rhand bone
3 Months Ago
player update. exported building plan animations
3 Months Ago
player update. updated bandage animation set and entity
3 Months Ago
player update. exported/set up bandage anim set
3 Months Ago
player update. populated the holdtype knife and knife combat override controller with updated 3p knife animation set.
3 Months Ago
exported updated CNY rocket launcher admire animation
3 Months Ago
exported updated CNY spear admire animation
4 Months Ago
cny spear admire animation update
4 Months Ago
exported CNY spear admire animation
4 Months Ago
player update. exported/setup knife anim set. edited skinning/butcher/bone and combat knife entities and created two holdtypes, one for 3 of the knifes to share and one for the comabt knife because it has a unique deploy anim
4 Months Ago
exported CNY rocket launcher admire animation
4 Months Ago
player update. exported edited crossbow reload anim
4 Months Ago
player update. edited spas reload anim, set the holster position and removed spas rootbone transfroms from the gun animations via a mask so the player holds it correctly
4 Months Ago
player update. exported/set up spas12 shotgun anim set and popoluted its holdtype override ctrl with the new anims
4 Months Ago
player update. exported/set up grenade launcher anim set and populated its holdtype override controller with the new anims
4 Months Ago
player update. edited crossbow holster position on entity
4 Months Ago
player update. exported and setup basket animation set . Populated basket holdtype override controller with new anims and edited easter/pumpkins basket entity prefab so the props sit correctly in the hand.