
2,535 Commits over 1,797 Days - 0.06cph!

Reapply helicopter changes from 71402, 71406, 71415 Fixes mini and scrap helis falling into the ocean when flying to another zone
3 Days Ago
Automatically refresh clan data occcaisionally so the server doesn't send very old info if all that changed was the score Updated FP.Nexus to expose refresh method
3 Days Ago
Fix nexus.transfer command incorrectly transferrying the ferry with you if you're standing on it Fix transfer triggers near islands being able to transfer things parented to ferries Fix transferring entities with a parent set incorrectly including the parent entity in the transfer
3 Days Ago
Merge from favorites_fixes
4 Days Ago
Fix funky TOD behavior on nexus enabled servers, hopefully
4 Days Ago
Compile fix
4 Days Ago
▋▍▌▅▊▇▌▌ ▇▆ ▆▅▄▉▇▄ ▄▇ ▆▅▆▊▆ █▌▊▌ ▇▆▊ ▊▄▍▋▆█▌▋▇▉▌▊ ███▇▊▉▉ ▆▋ ▊▋▌ ▉▅▊█▆▍ ██ ▊▋▉▆▅▆▆▍▅▆ ▄▊▆▉▅
7 Days Ago
▇▆▇▅▌▍ █▊▄█▊▌▋▇▋▉▊ ▇▇▆▍▅▄ ▋▇▆▄█▇▊ ▌▉ ▉▄▉ ▋▇▅▌▆▍▊ ▋▆▉▆▍▌▍▍▆▍▇▌▍
8 Days Ago
Maybe fix hostile UI sometimes not showing if you're inside a safe zone
8 Days Ago
Fix index out of range sometimes when clicking on the clan announcement textbox for editing Fix clicking on the clan announcement textbox not being able to put the caret right at the end of the text
8 Days Ago
Fix target detection triggers for turrets on nexus ferry being very far away from the turrets
9 Days Ago
Fix nexus map not filling the screen when zoomed out on ultrawide displays
9 Days Ago
Fix client crash when loading clan score events
9 Days Ago
█▊▊▅▉▋▌▆▌ ▇▉▄▉▌▋▅▅▍ ▇▅▊▅▌, ▌▋▋▌▅▊ █▉▊▄▉ ▋▆▅▆
10 Days Ago
▊▉▄█▉ ▄▉▍ ▄▋▅▅██, ▅▄▋, ▋▅▉ ▄▍▅▆ ▌██▇▄▌▉▌▇█ (▆▇▊▉ ▄▉▅▆ ▇▍▊ ▉▆█▌▄▄ ▉▋▌█▋▇▋)
10 Days Ago
▅▆▇▅ ▄▅▄█ ▍▇█▇▋▍██▆▅▅ ▅▍▊▄ ▌ ▋▋▊▋▋▄
10 Days Ago
▍▌█▌▍▋▆▆▉ █▋▆▍+▍█▍▆▅██▊▅ ▅▍ ▍█▊▋▅▉▆ ▆▋▍▄▍ ▄▋▋▆'▊ ▅▉▉▇▉▍▌▄▊▇▄▇ ▆▅▋▋█▍█▅█ ▅▄▆█ ▉▄▍█▍▉ █▅▌█▊▉▉ ▇▉ ▋▋█▅▅▌█▋▆▆▉▋ ▇▄▅▍█ ▇▌▄▌▍ ▊▋▌'▊ ▅█ ▋▅▆▍▊▍▇▋▋▌▄ ▊▄▇▊▅█ ▋▅▅▊█'▅ [▆▊▆▊▋▅▋▇] ▉▊▄▄▄▄▊▅▇ ▊█ ▆▊▆▆▄▉▇ █▆▄▉▄▋▆▄▍▆▇ ▆▉ ▉ ▄▉▉▍
10 Days Ago
▌▆▄ █▄▄▇▆▇▋▆▋▊ ▌▄▋█ ▍▇▊▇▊▋ ▆▋▅▍▉▉▍ █▋▍▌▇▍▇ ▇█▄ ▄▊█▇▇ ▌▆▌▌█▅▅▍▌▋▆ ▉▋▋▌▅ ▌▋█▆▉▋▋▉▄▇▄▉▆ ▉▋▆ █▍▌▍▄▋ ▅▋▇ ▌▄▄▅▇▉▊▉▍ ▆▌ ▍▄ ▋▄▉▆ ▋▄▄▊▊▆▄▍ ▄▌▌ ▍▄▅▉▊ ▍▋▊▊ █▋▋█▍▇ ▇▌▆ ▇▅▌█▋▍▅ ▋▊▅▌▄▅
11 Days Ago
▄▆▅ ▋▇▅▋▋▆ █▋█▍ ▄▅▅▆▇, ▌▄▅▉ ▌▆▄▆▆▍ ▌▆▆▆ ▅█▇▅▆▋██▄▌
11 Days Ago
Merge from main
11 Days Ago
Fix a bunch more mismatching
11 Days Ago
Update client server field finder tool to output even when there are no serialized fields found in the type, allows for more accurate messages when comparing
11 Days Ago
Merge from main
13 Days Ago
▌▇▍▇▊ ▅█ ▄▉▉▄▉▅ ▅▌▌▆▉▊▍▇, ▇▋▋▇▋▍▆▄ ▇▆▍ ▆█▌▄ ▋▊ ▅▌▊▌▉ ▍▊▄▍ ▋▉█ ▇▌▅▅
15 Days Ago
▄▅▍█▄ ▅▆▇▋ ▉▆▅▇
15 Days Ago
Improvements for the nexus player position map marker on the server browser
15 Days Ago
Show an error indicator on the UI if nexus details fail to load for the connect screen (no more spinning forever) Include a special case for Steam returning no auth ticket Fix zone details clipping out of the map component
16 Days Ago
Merge fom main
16 Days Ago
Fix servers not always removing from favorites.cfg
18 Days Ago
Merge from main
18 Days Ago
▍▄▌▆▊ [▉▋█▍▋▋▋▅▍] █▍ ▆ ▇▅▊ ▉▍▆▋▌▇
18 Days Ago
█▌▆▄▆ ▊▆ ▍▌█ ▄▍██▋▇▌▋▅▇█ ▋▅▇▋▊█▉ ▉▄▍▍▇▊▉▋ ▇▅▊█▊▋ ▊▍█▅▌▅ ▄▋▇▋▉▆, ▌▋▊ ▌ [▆▉▆▋█▋█▄▊] ▌▍▄▄▋▄▊▊▊ ▄▅ ▍▊▋▇█▋ ▋▅▇▄▋▌▄▉▌▄▆ ▍▆ ▌▉█▉▄▆ ▄▋▉▊ ▌▊▆▊ ▉▌▊▋▌▆▋▍▆▊
18 Days Ago
█▊▉▉▋ ▇▌█▆ ▊▉▉▄
22 Days Ago
Reapply 95523 with compile fix
22 Days Ago
▌█▋▇▌▊ █▋▆▅▊ ▉▌▆▅▊█▋▌▅ █▍ █▆ ▇▄▊▊▌▌▊ ▇▋ ▊▇
23 Days Ago
Merge from store-ui-rtc
24 Days Ago
Fix a bunch of places that were causing script serialization field differences when changing between client and server mode
24 Days Ago
Update client/server field finder editor tool to align more closely with how Unity checks for script serialization changes
25 Days Ago
Update CrowdinUpdate.exe with some extra error handling
25 Days Ago
Merge from main
27 Days Ago
Update Crowdin code to call the current version of the APIs because v1 is gone now
29 Days Ago
Remove field which was only written to by our codegen
29 Days Ago
Bug fixes by switching everything else to use phrases
29 Days Ago
Merge from main
29 Days Ago
Automatically upload procedural maps to our backend so that all Rust servers allow players to download maps instead of generating them on first join Downloading the maps is much faster and way less resource intensive Can be disabled by setting server.autoUploadMap to false
29 Days Ago
Fix NRE when shooting players spawned from the console Add assertions when enqueueing writes so it's easier to identify where the problem was in the future
30 Days Ago
Merge from main
30 Days Ago
Merge from main
31 Days Ago
Dispose server queries as soon as they time out to prevent them from doing more work than necessary
31 Days Ago
Fix spinner wheel not resetting the camera to the expected rotation