468 Commits over 2,039 Days - 0.01cph!
Merge from server_browser_ui
Sync changes from FP.Flexbox - hopefully fixes prefabs being edited for no reason
Fix tooltip shadows rendering like rectangles instead of nice soft shadows like they were supposed to be
Merge from server_browser_ui
Change rotate behavior for the sign painting UI so it's more intuitive (rotates in the direction you move the mouse)
Increase the sensitivity for panning in the painting UI
Also in case you didn't know like me, you can pan in the painting UI by moving the mouse with shift+RMB held down
Update the painting UI palette to one that has a lot more colors (last changed in 2015!)
▅▅▆▇█ ▌▄▇▊ ▉▊▋▇_▄█▄▄_▆▍▆▅▄▌▆▇
Show demo info on the loading screen when loading a demo
Merge from async_loading_3
Copy libsqlite3.so to libsqlite3.so.0 during Linux server builds because Unity dllmaps it to that for some reason
Partially revert
72855 - no more querying server info from a background thread (should fix possible crash when clicking on a server)
Never run asset warmup in the background on PCs with 16GB of RAM or less
Ignore assetWarmup = true if warmupConcurrency is <= 1 (pointless combination)
Query server info from a background thread to try and make it more reliable during loading stalls
Retry the server info query a few times in case it still doesn't get a response the first time
Stick some NoInlining attributes on some properties in the World class so Harmony can get its hooks in there
Merge from async_loading_2 (disabled by default)
Update import settings for libsqlite3.so to include Linux
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Merge from async_loading for some testing
Rename NewAssembly to Rust.FileSystem
Require multiple ping samples from the server before showing the ping warning screen so it is more reliable
Fix connection and loading screens not refreshing server info correctly sometimes
Limit the size of chat history to store in memory on the server
Configurable with the chat.historysize convar (default 1000)
Merge from easter2022)crash - testing shader revert
Merge from easter2022_crash - testing changes
Merge from easter2022_crash (testing)
70035 - bringing Easter changes back
Remove the editor-only [BurstCompile] attribute
Fix NRE in ImageProcessing.IsValidPNG
Possible fix for Water_GetHeight crash when disconnecting/switching servers
Merge from server_browser_tag_filter
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Merge from companion_server_offline
Fix CargoPlane not saving - protobuf code was stomped in a merge
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▄█▉▋ ▍▅▊ ▉▌██▄▋▆▆█ ▌▇▇▇▆ ▆▆▅▊ ▉▌▄▇
▍█▍▉ ▉▋▄▍▄▉▇▇▅█▊▊█▇▋ ▄▌▆ ▄▆ ▍▆█ ▄▆█▉█▄ #▄▋ ▊▍▌█▄▊
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Merge from cargoplane_saveload
Merge from companion_server_offline
Automatically tests Rust+ connections to servers and disables it if it fails
Merge from xmas_update_2021
Merge from xmas_update_2021
Merge from xmas_update_2021
Merge from xmas_update_2021