2,815 Commits over 2,011 Days - 0.06cph!
Refactor map shader so the bits related to getting the map pixel colors are in a shared include file
Add a new shader for things in the world which renders the map onto it
Updated clan table to show the actual map instead of something else
Merge from clan_chat_emoji_fix
Set ShouldTransferAssociatedFiles for painted item storage entity (fixes egg suit texture not transferring between servers)
Refund the whole crafting queue of sleepers when a player loots them
Support turning on/off clan system with clan.enabled convar
Minicopter code review changes
Copy libsqlite3 into RustDedicated_Data/Plugins/x86_64/ to try to fix dedicated server not using the version of SQLite (but keep the copy under Plugins too)
This is assuming everyone runs RustDedicated with something like the following (from runds.sh):
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:`dirname $0`/RustDedicated_Data/Plugins/x86_64
Fix weird startup issue in editor when using GameSetup's initialization commands with multiple editors
Make clan.info show a table of members similar to teaminfo
Don't show dead clan members on the map
Go back to the rank list when switching tabs away from the rank editor
Reset clan UI state in some places to try and fix clan logo not loading when leaving and rejoining the same clan
Auto escape rich text in steam names
Rebuild sqlite3 for linux again because the other one was crashing for some reason
Tested on ubuntu 18.04 and 22.04
Increase the allowed size of the clan announcement text
Possible bug fixes for inviting other players to your clan
Disabling rich text on things
Rebuild sqlite3 on ubuntu 18.04 so it doesn't depend on a too new glibc
Update runds.sh to include the Plugins folder in the search path instead of only Plugins/x86_64
Add build instructions for sqlite3 to my notes here
Update bagassignmode 'team' value to also include players from the same clan
Hide the crafting notice in the vitals area when disconnecting from a server
Don't suggest that clan tables are only in bandit camp or outpost because they're deployables
Static clan table prefab set up
Update bandit camp and outpost with new static clan table
Deployable clan table set up
Allow leaving your clan from anywhere instead of only at the clan table
Pass player controlled clan related text through the chat filter
Only show the "try again" message for errors which should just need a retry
Allow loading clan info for bot players in the editor for easier testing
Load clan info for players when they spawn instead of only when they connect
Load clan info for all sleepers when starting up the server
Simplify the check to see if another player is in the same clan as you when showing nametags
Don't cancel the whole crafting queue when the player goes to sleep anymore
Make sure crafting doesn't update while the player is sleeping or transferring
Don't allow crafting queue changes while transferring
WIP saving and loading for the crafting queue
Merge from nexus (clan system fixes)
Hide the clan rank creator when the player doesn't have permission to create ranks
Show a specific error message when creating a new clan rank fails because the text is invalid
Fix NeedsKeyboard.AnyTextboxFocused not ignoring readOnly input fields
Don't show sleeping clan members on the map
Add null checks to tech tree UI for when the item's sprite is null
Fix Rust+ clan announcement notifications never being sent
Key the blueprints nexus variable using Protocol.persistence so blueprint wipes just work on nexus enabled servers
Show ping for each zone on the server list nexus modal
Add a header for the zone table so it's clear what the numbers are