
117,652 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!

10 Years Ago
Added Rust.Bundle.Prefabs.FindObjectsOfTypeAll
10 Years Ago
Fixed stone Hatchet prefab
10 Years Ago
Try to load active map from bundle Stripped error reporting (until we can find a less shit solution for raven)
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Deleted MenuBackground/Scene Added new menu_background001 - uses SceneToPrefab Load menu map from map bundles
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Load bundles Load prefabs from bundle
10 Years Ago
Fixed the inaccurate sand normal and heightmap.
10 Years Ago
updated stone hatchet prefab
10 Years Ago
updated hatchet NM
10 Years Ago
updated stone hatchet vm prefab
10 Years Ago
re-rigged stone hatchet view model with updated model
10 Years Ago
updated stone hatchet AO
10 Years Ago
deleted old stone hatchet materials
10 Years Ago
updated stone hatchet AO
10 Years Ago
updated stone Hatchet material.
10 Years Ago
Fixed some meta file weirdness in the trees folder Added some other missing meta files
10 Years Ago
updated stone hatchet WM
10 Years Ago
Create a bundle for each map Create tier0 bundles
10 Years Ago
updated stone hatchet material
10 Years Ago
tweaked stone Hatchet normalmap,
10 Years Ago
updated player bota bag drink anim
10 Years Ago
updated stone hatchet maps to be PBS.
10 Years Ago
Merging with trunk
10 Years Ago
Making some textures compressed
10 Years Ago
Ifdef'd a bunch of shit that the server doesn't need to be fucking with out of PVT and Amplify Motion
10 Years Ago
Added better SSAO Removed dynamic Z near from camera (leads to visible depth res transition with more intense SSAO)
10 Years Ago
3rd person shitgun animations
10 Years Ago
Optimized tree collisions by about 40000%
10 Years Ago
Removing generated textures from the colmeshes.
10 Years Ago
Optimized tree collision mesh files.
10 Years Ago
Fixed maximum jump velocity being faster than the last movement velocity
10 Years Ago
More work on AIObstacleMesh (almost done)
10 Years Ago
updated stone hatchet WM
10 Years Ago
updated stone hatchet WM
10 Years Ago
updated stone hatchet maps.
10 Years Ago
Bundle creation
10 Years Ago
Fixed stone hatchet normalmap.
10 Years Ago
Added SeedRandom.Wanghash
10 Years Ago
▆▆▇█▉▅ ▌▄▌ ▇▍▉▉▊█▅▅
10 Years Ago
Disabled terrain spec until the shader supports 5.0 deferred
10 Years Ago
Fixed player model scene
10 Years Ago
updated stone hatchet icon
10 Years Ago
changed autospawn/resources to autospawn/resource protocol++
10 Years Ago
fnished the 3rd person medical syringe animations
10 Years Ago
Small model/texture tweak for the bandages. Forgot to add some stuff to the original checked in files
10 Years Ago
Adding bandage case viewmodel and textures
10 Years Ago
Tweaked volumes of animal sounds Fixed footsteps being broke
10 Years Ago
Fixed supersampling
10 Years Ago
implemented new stone hatchet & updated anims/prefabs/materials