117,632 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Wiping out forest 4 for Andre.
Added the largest tree ever. Good luck chopping it down. (It will look less silly when it gets its smaller siblings.)
Repositioned salvaged weapons & spears for player animation prefabs
changed salvaged axe holdtype
Added AIObstacleMesh to handle mesh colliders in dynamic obstacle avoidance (unfinished, backup commit)
Made AI test level work again
Added initial salvaged weapon prefabs ( before they delete themselves again)
Added building skin transition experiment
Added BuildBlock editing toolbar
Updated building block prefabs with unified layout for editor
Refactored prefab preprocessing system (is now an interface any component can implement)
Only allow prefab preprocessing of any sort if not inside the editor (better safe than sorry)
Fixed animals being able to attack targets they can't see
Fixed animal attack range check ignoring height
Fixed missing specular in TerrBumpMasked shader
Fixed potential NRE in planar reflection
Added PVT version of TerrBumpSpecMasked shader
Added back support for legacy terrains albeit changing new baseline to TerrBumpSpecMasked
Update TestLevel_PVT for testing
Don't log error messages about D3D device lost etc - to prevent console spam hurting framerate
some new 3rd person animations for bow (unaimed) and ... I farted.. /me runs away
This should fix the sounds not playing.. for good!
added a swing/miss animation for the medical syringe
Tree tint variation tweaks, and slight global wind improvements.
Optimized chopped tree billboard sizes.
Fixed NRE in AtmosphericBlend
Fixed a tree billboard colour pop.
Tree fixes. Removed network sleep and rooted some other nodes.
Experimenting with Block editor tool
Un-breaking the testlevel terrains, and some rock/terrain consistency tweaks.
Temporarily strange terrain textures in the testlevels.
Added toggle to enable/disable Parallax Mapping
Renamed "Nature/Terrain/Bumped Specular BlendMask" to "Nature/Terrain/Bumped Specular Masked" for consistency
Added unity's half-assed Parallax Mapping to "Nature/Terrain/Bumped Specular Masked"
Melee attack uses a sphere trace test (instead of a ray trace)
Send ticks to nearby players using p2p
Halved voice playback delay
Made ErrorLogger delete error.html files from previous runs
Added world models for:
wooden spear
stone spear
salvaged icepick
salvaged hammer
salvaged axe
Patched CoherentUILibrary for u5b7
Removed debug arrows from projectile attacks
Added wooden spear
Added stone spear
Added salvaged icepick
Added salvaged hammer
Added salvaged axe
Added vis.hud [true|false] - hide/show hud
Added vis.chat [true|false] - hide/show chat
Turning water reflections off also disables edge blend and refraction
Output Coherent Host Dir (debugging osx launch failure)
Normalized wood per hit values on the different trees.
Changed how the player sleeper list is maintained - should fix/prevent the wakeup bug
Rearranged the tree prefabs to include standing & chopped variants.
Very roughly scaled a tree's wood yield by its size again. Maintained the same average.
Added chopped/broken variants of all Speedtrees.
Less noticable dithering on tree LOD transitions.
Fixed the bad billboard render on E2 trees.