117,489 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Added crosshairs
If context menu has one option, just select it
Show menu option on crosshair if only one option
Show "menu open" on crosshair if multiple options
Show "pickup item" on crosshair if pickup is the only option
Improved the skin on first person arms, and main character model.
Removed static cull distance of the world layer (it's handled on a per-object basis by the LOD groups)
Adjusted the grass to match the trees a bit better. Slight moon tweaks.
Added cacti to decor spawn
Added kinematic rigidbodies to all cactus prefabs
Various cactus prefab adjustments
Time of Day update to 2.1.1 prerelease 2
Turned Sun Shafts resultions down to medium (fixes orange smear in editor)
Re-enabled horizon clouds (aren't broken)
added prefabs for the burlap shoes/gloves/shirt ( LOD included )
added LODs to the burlap gloves/shirt/shoes
fixed the wolf prefab on the MenuBackground scene
Fixed some clutter rock LOD distances. Added cacti files. Started on some desert environment settings.
Fixed error in PlayerWalkMovement on levels without TerrainMeta
Added Burlap shoe + glove items
Temporarily removed the clouds while they are bugged.
fixed bug with the prone always being enabled; commiting the rest of the 3rd person grenade jog/run animations
Added terrain collision resolve system for objects to pass through when entering caves
Increased the number of attempts to find a monument spawn location to 1000
Crafting tooltip cleanup, shows ingredients
updated skinning on gloves
Ignore.conf'ing stuff used to make tree billboard normal maps.
Updated icons from admin site
Fixed building plan switch strings being #phrases
adding gloves (which need skinning properly) and adding feet with textures
Revamped item categories
Updated crafting UI
Burlap shader normal intensity toned down.
Time of Day update to 2.1.1 prerelease 1
Should prevent door stacking
An icon scene with more intricate rendering/lighting setup.
Added lock item
Added item slot system
Added module: DeployToItem
Added module: ItemSlot
Renamed item hook OnCreated to onCreated
Removed item.name (redundant)
Locks are now a seperate deployable item
Fixed all sorts of issues with the billboard import settings of the new trees
Fixed some issues regarding AI system performance
Fixed prone being on in player models (!)
Calibrated the LODing on all field trees
Ignoring UnityVS.VersionSpecific.dll and meta
Deleting UnityVS.VersionSpecific.dll (it auto re-creates itself)
Field tree billboard mats and normalmap meta fix.
Proper billboard import settings, and cleaned up old clutter.
Field tree lod billboard textures
changed the rifle running animations so the gun is lower and more natural looking when he runs; added IK events to the prone --> stand animations
added AnimationEvent "SetIKWeight" that will allow turning on/off the IK weighting.
Added burlap trousers item
Added blueprints for a bunch of items
Added low grade fuel item
made a new material for the burlap trousers