117,487 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
edited the animal prefabs so that they use the new FBX meshes that I made (that don't have the old shitty fake fur shit)
changed the bear/boar/wolf to use the new fur shader; removed unnecessary material files.
Lantern LOD, colmesh, sound.
Added a quick replacement for the door.
Cleaned up stag materials
Removed old LOD models
Re-linked animal avatars
Fur shader, updated stag material
added LODs to the animal entities; fixed the server side entities for the animals (they dont contain mesh now)
embedded the animal LODs into a single .fbx file
-added LOD groups to the animal entities.
fixed some errors with the bear's fur material; renamed the animals to LOD0
Reverted sun light (too much flickering)
crouchwalk/jog animations for player holding grenade
Added player pickaxe anims for deploy / holster
Hammer now swings properly
Building is no longer instant again
Building effects (placeholder)
Refactored TerrainMeta (so... many... changes...)
Sort item list by name in editor
Tweaked sun directional light bias (might lead to flickering again?)
Changed how construction socket strings get pooled
BuildingBlock now derived from WorldItem, can have item associated
Added door (testing, no locking yet)
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Added *.pdb.meta to ignore.conf
Replaced TransformEx.GetComponentsInChildrenEx with Transform.GetComponentsInChildren(includeInactive = true)
Fixed terrain anchor check extension method and added overload without explicit position and rotation
Sweeping terrain color changes to, among other things, get rid of the large dark brown spots. Made the grass behave better with color overlays. Toned down the AO a bit.
Unity Pro image effects update to 4.5.3
Made the night time sky silhouette a bit more visible and less disorientating.
Fixed wolf monument having some crazy offset relative to its root, clipping it into whatever is in its way
Removed garbage collect calls from terrain generator (I feel like we should have a policy to only call those from a single place)
Some lantern and light source related files.
Changed MeshToBoxCollider to SetupAIObstacle (no longer offers option to convert to box collider)
Made some preprocessing / parameter scripts auto-destroy on instantiate
Prefabbed the other animals
Made animal model sets share an avatar
Changed animal max texture size to 4096
Fixed water not working proper
Fixed server compile error (minimal hotfix, there should probably be more of the view model code in #if CLIENT)
finished the remaining jog/run animations for the player holding the hatchet
Lower gun when running, jumping, swimming
Tweaked lower pvt runtime configs; sorted base map bug; added base shader to nature/terrain/diffuse-pvt
Changed TerrainAnchor to use interpolated terrain height
Fixed monuments aligning to terrain normal by default
Refactored & cleaned up decor spawn system
Fixed player model appearing to be falling when standing on edge
Should fix unofficial servers showing as official
Scene2Prefab: If only one root prefab in scene, make it the root of the prefab
Made monuments spawn on server as well
Fixed some decor system and spawn filter fuckups
Reorganized the decor spawn systems
Added terrain anchor script that can be used to define terrain requirements for spawning a certain object
Added list decor spawn type to spawn all objects from a list once
Added test wolf monument to the procedural map
Can place foundations on rocks
Quick script to set the prefabName on all prefab entities