116,221 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
can look around on mountable with clamped angles
Ice lake LOD/COL/prefabs
Scene fixes
Cherry pick from
22121 (Blank hair prefabs)
EAC launcher fixes (needs x86 lib)
Improved adaptive shadow bias to scale according to texel-to-world ratio instead of distance
Touched all relevant shaders
Fixed flashlight attachment showing gun shadow all over the place
tweaked walk/jog animations
added 3rd person waterbucket animations
added 3rd person camera animation
updated weapon override controllers
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updated bolt deploy anim export
Switched EAC launcher to the new minimal official one (easier to debug for them, less fucking around for us)
Merge from main / Cherry pick from
22778 (Player model merge)
Lr300, Semi auto rifle, SMG, Bolt rifle - Updated to latest rig and arms, clean exports, rebuilt prefabs
Eating raw fish no longer makes the player puke
Added rust/std terrain-blend factor+fallof control to vertex alpha blend type
Crossbow and Rocket Launcher - Updated to latest rig and arms, clean exports, rebuilt prefabs
Cherry picked rust/std terrain-blend changes in
Ice lake progress / slightly improved snow
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Fixed shaders other than terrain not getting adaptive shadow bias
Increased directional light initial shadow bias to address flat surfaces
Adaptive shadow bias to fix shadow offseting; touched all rust/std shaders
skin approval
a million mounted fixes
thompson has reduced aimcone
Softer lighting via less intensity + more exposure + reduced ambient saturation
Subtracted player model changes
fixed player sit on chair code
Using steering target to judge angle of movement change works better than next position on the nav agent.
fixed condition not visibly scaling consumable properties in info panel
fixed tooltips getting stuck
vending machine really no longer drops items
Added a fix for the potential of navmesh sources to go invalid over time (so we check them before we bake).
A slight improvement to animal flee behaviour and speed related to angle of next position.
Updated Facepunch.Unity (fixes manifest download sometimes silently failing)
fix for broken head collider
Rewrote rebake logic to use the bake heap.
Cells and layers are now aware they're in the bake heap awaiting baking.
Updated the bake heap comparer, that it more reliably prefers cells close to players.
Cleanup duplicated MainCannonAttack prefab
Removing temp hair styles from this branch
Perf fix for occludable sounds with local voice limiting enabled