116,222 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
better clientside collision for sedan
tweaked a bunch of 3rd person player animations
Removed BoneFollower (eliminates client side GC + some processing overhead)
sawnoff shotgun - fixed arm clipping at max FOV, removed wobble at end of anim
Eliminated GC allocs from SkinnedMultiMesh.UpdateLODGroup
Fixed UpdateRotationFromNetwork working with world rotation instead of local rotation
fixed arms clipping on m249 reload at max FOV
More work on NPC navigation.
More robust NPCs with relation to low resolution navigation meshes.
Added TerrainCollisionProxy (handles terrain carving for wheel colliders)
Some npc navigation improvements.
Use checkbox rather than overlapbox when looking for player construction.
Less fidelity for lower priority navmesh grid cells.
Dynamic navmesh grid cell fidelity work.
Work towards mixed navmesh grid cell fidelity.
Toggling grass shadows force-refreshes grass meshes
Fixed IOnPostNetworkUpdate regression (torch randomly getting switched off)
Added facial hair meshes and facial hair test, Added female hair textures and materials, Added pubic hair mesh, textures and materials (for imallpor), Added facial hair morph test - all to skinupdates branch.
nav_grid and ai_dormant on by default.
quicker sitting animations
skin approval
Added graphics.grassShadows convar, disabled by default
Added Grass Shadows toggle Graphics menu
Fixed render texture size error when loading editor
sedan collision model for interior
Better adjustment to ground when on a navmesh link.
Stop freezing when stuck on an invalid navmesh link.
VehicleMovement hits triggers
Fixed missing shadows in shadow quality < 2
Fixed penumbra shadows not reset when switching quality
sitting in chair provides 100% comfort
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Error message typo fix ("Trying to to child" -> "Trying to parent to child")
BasePlayer.MaxVelocity takes mount velocity into account
Eye verification distance checks take BasePlayer.MaxVelocity into account
Unified eye verification checks to eliminate duplicate code
Improved navigation/steering WIP
better exploit attempt logging
Defaulted shadow quality to 1 (previous default) due to potential perf impact on rec. spec hw
Fixed penumbra shadows not clearing all overhead when shadow quality below 2
Added grass material for grass spawns w/ lower shadow intensity
Restored original overgrowth material to 1.0 shadow intensity
Added Shadow Quality slider to Graphics menu
Fixed thrown weapons and arrows disappearing on impact when hitting entities
Fixed checksum mismatch always clearing world cache on certain platforms
Removed temporary savegame fix for staging servers
Bone club vm -fixed popping from throw cancel to idle
Fixed issue with graphics settings and custom screen space shadows
Penumbra toggle on point and spot shadows