115,225 Commits over 3,959 Days - 1.21cph!
Show store price/market price in inventory
Fixed MovementSounds issues
Colourize generator descriptions
Fixed pumpkin stacking (RUST-1450)
Changed pool.mode default value to 2 for faster game object pooling (testing)
Fixed nametag issue with pool.mode set to 2
Fixed layers on two trees
Split the harbor crane into two parts.
Updated and cleaned layout
Added support for 8 material types
Fixed speedtree shader
3rd person player anim change: straightened out the head when holding a pistol
fixed silencer offset on revolver worldmodel
revolver once again accepts silencers
revolver semi-auto refire time reduced( same as p250)
revolver damage nerfed 5%
revolver aimcone slightly increased
revolver cost drastically reduced
water purifier runs twice as fast
salvaged tools have far higher durability
mace has larger attack radius (easier to hit)
crossbow way cheaper
codelock no longer requires wood
furnace gives more comfort
furnace actually emits light once again
Cherry picked mesh decal lighting fix
Fixed mesh decal lighting
Cherry picked latest shader changes from main
Cinder blocks texture set
Warehouse models WIP
fixed footstep bug when player is barefoot
Shelves can no longer be placed on deployables (RUST-1258)
Industrial markings spec and normal
Fixed issues with some pool.mode set to 2
Finished harbor crane, added LODs and colliders
fixed a bug with the 3rd person jumping animation
Moving transmission over to more generalized translucency
Cleaning up gbuffer packing code
Fixed skin curvature
Rolled back to octahedron normal encoding; spheremap just not good enough for ws
Fixed base and subsurface normals
Combat log includes timestamp
Updated water bottle vm anims & controller
Final barge models, added colliders, prefabs update