
113,638 Commits over 3,959 Days - 1.20cph!

10 Years Ago
Rock deploy test
10 Years Ago
Fixed grass footstep effects not being destroyed
10 Years Ago
Clear datatable before loading save Trigger can now convert collider into interesting object Remove all trigger entries on disable Fixed not being able to shoot through building window/door Added developer convar Should now be able to deploy fire etc on buildings Fixed constructvision becoming unresponsive when switching away and back Triggers all have layer masks now
10 Years Ago
Fixed player not swimming in water
10 Years Ago
Debug spam fix
10 Years Ago
F2 tweak menu osx/linux debug
10 Years Ago
Added TerrainMath colormap getters Fixed grass patches sometimes looking like someone's lawn (will miss those neat square patches) Fixed some minor spawn filter things (mainly changed all getters to interpolated versions thereof)
10 Years Ago
Changed default time to 6 AM again (i.e. time after server restart)
10 Years Ago
Viewmodel metal shader, glass shader, rough early lantern prefab (no light yet) for world placement and a random tree prefab.
10 Years Ago
Added lantern item as deployable.
10 Years Ago
Glass shader
10 Years Ago
Cubemap for viewmodels.
10 Years Ago
Testlevel update.
10 Years Ago
Fixed Furnace guide prefab having collisions.
10 Years Ago
Backup committing a view model shader and some lantern files.
10 Years Ago
Sky prefab saved again to see if it fixes perma-night issue...
10 Years Ago
crouchwalk/jog animations for when the player is holding the hatchet
10 Years Ago
Fixed PVT issues on OSX, except aliasing caused by missing aniso filtering
10 Years Ago
Toggled TOD_Time back on ;)
10 Years Ago
Added "renderbox" scene used for general shader setup and icon screenshotting
10 Years Ago
Missed a bit.
10 Years Ago
Added furnace V2, new fire emission shader, updated campfire and related assets to work with new shader. Updated prefabs for furnace and campfire...
10 Years Ago
F2 menu debug for osx
10 Years Ago
Torch light tweak
10 Years Ago
Save/load string table to disk in saves Throw error when creating entity with matching ID of existing entity Entity prefab names use stringtable instead of sending string name Protocol++
10 Years Ago
Added dev.sampling X to enable downsampling (X = 2 means 200% rendering res, downsampled to 100%) Reverted tonemapping since adaptive algorithms are broken on OS X (Unity bug submitted + confirmed)
10 Years Ago
TOD settings tweaks. Tweaked daytime color grading LUT. Camera post tweaks.
11 Years Ago
Minh Le vs Unity IK system. Round 2
11 Years Ago
Updated tonemapping, some post FX tweaks and TOD settings. Added script to update water reflection color from TOD ambient light.
11 Years Ago
fixed some errors with some of the animations missing the l_prop / r_prop bone. Fuck Dat shit YO
11 Years Ago
Set daytime shadow strength back to 1.0 and adjusted lighting to compensate. Should result in better lighting for interiors.
11 Years Ago
tweaked the rifle animations so they jive better with the Unity IK system
11 Years Ago
Added debug mode to PVT_Control; shows either diffuse, normal, shaded normal, height or gloss
11 Years Ago
Tweaked PVT; added TestProcedural_PVT map
11 Years Ago
made some tweaks to the player + rifle animations (they should be pointing straight ahead now)
11 Years Ago
Minor prefab fixes
11 Years Ago
Reduced log thickness on building pieces. Replaced frame meshes. Reworked materials for building pieces. Reaplaced nighttime LUT image. Some things may be ugly.
11 Years Ago
updates to player pickaxe idle & attack anims
11 Years Ago
updates to torch player anims
11 Years Ago
Added AimAtCamera and DrawAimLine to PlayerModel scene Tweaked Player model lookat IK
11 Years Ago
Changed spawn handler to have a density (# per km^2) rather than a fixed number per population
11 Years Ago
Fixed terrain quality not being applied on initial scene load (Performance++)
11 Years Ago
Print confirmation when RCon is started
11 Years Ago
Fixed forest 4 tree 4 enjoying himself some post billboard fade invisible time
11 Years Ago
Properly fixed the night texture (don't modify stuff in Third Party, use the duplicate material so that we can update without worrying)
11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Fixed the terrible night stars.
11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
finished the crouch/jog/run animations for the player holding a bow
11 Years Ago
Foundation update