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4 Years Ago
[D11] XBox voice chat fixes
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
[D11] Removed saved settings for DoF and removed dupe button from Options menu
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
[D11] [Gameplay][#3793] Temperatures set as AnimationCurves to fix incorrect values at night time. [Construction] Fix for building guide distance
4 Years Ago
[D11] Added Feedback QR code to main menu
4 Years Ago
[D11] Preventing the OOM crashes on win64/ in unity editor (disabling video looping). This is fixed in Unity 2020.1 (bug 1201213:
4 Years Ago
Disabling dithering in g-buffer pass when using z-prepass to enable early-z
4 Years Ago
[D11] Temp fix for hearing own voice on XBox for QA to test whilst I investigate further.
4 Years Ago
Early Z optimisations on water
4 Years Ago
[D11] Show the next server wipe time in the in-game menu.
4 Years Ago
[D11] Reduced Motion Blur intensity
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Crafting Menu Workbench Panel in SelectedBlueprint info now correctly changes green/red based on whether you meet the workbench requirements or not.
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
[D11] Null value check in FoliageGrid and re-enabling teleport with rotation
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
[D11][UI][#3056] Fixed issue with the death map marker. [#4146] Fixed issue with extra prompt on chainsaw
4 Years Ago
[D11] Changes to run multiple servers on a single host. new command-line arguments: 1. +server.httpport 9001 - used to serve maps on the local server (default is 28018) and to run console commands from the Rustworks 2. +server.pingport 9002 -used to retrieve Ping from Xbox/PS4 to game servers (default is 28019) 3. Default the fixed server to (MainMenu.prefab). This allows connecting from Unity Editor to local Win64 builds without any configuration. 4. Retrieving port info from Rustworks. 5. Returning the http port used from the local server. Example command to run a local linux server on custom ports: .\RustDedicated +server.port 9000 +server.httpport 9001 +server.pingport 9002 Same, but with default ports: .\RustDedicated Example command to run a linux server on Digital Ocean with HTTP server only available to localhost: .\RustDedicated +server.port 9000 +server.httpport 9001 +server.pingport 9002 +server.httpserverpublic 0
4 Years Ago
[D11] Fixed critical health rumble replicating to all nearby players.
4 Years Ago
Scriptable render pipeline immediate drawing
4 Years Ago
[d11] Skin preloading fixes
4 Years Ago
[D11] Potential fix for animal sounds being heard from much further away than they should. Preventing them from spawning if the animal is too far from the player.
4 Years Ago
[D11][#4191] Foundation stairs now behave like the steam version, but with ninjas
4 Years Ago
[D11] Fixed define issue in rumble debug class.
4 Years Ago
[D11] Rumble debug consistent log can be toggled on/off in debug options to view last rumble event info.
4 Years Ago
[D11] Restored d11 spawn prefab
4 Years Ago
[D11][#4162] Hackable Crate laptop exploit fixed.
4 Years Ago
[D11] Added a check for controllers not being registered to a playstation before input checking.
4 Years Ago
[D11] Updated fps demo for QA
4 Years Ago
[D11] fix crash I was getting in a final package build, when joining a server. ClosePopup must be getting called in the first frame after the PopulateContent coroutine is started.
4 Years Ago
[D11][#4151]No rubber-banding when jumping at the fuse box
4 Years Ago
[d11][4144] {PS4/XB1} Diving tank renders in front of your camera Turned off mesh occludee component, its messing with the shadowcasting properties. It not there on other items i've seen.
4 Years Ago
[D11][#4191] Foundation steps working again because [#2763] Bug introduced with this fix has been resolved.
4 Years Ago
[D11] Server ping: making sure the Unity's main thread and the .net async callback are accessing the connection via a critical section.
4 Years Ago
[D11][#3710] Server is sending the Attack Signal and calling the Attack RPC, which results in the attack animation being played, then interrupted and played again.
4 Years Ago
[D11] - Fix to bug 4163, card reader was displaying multiple LOD's
4 Years Ago
[D11][UI][#4084] Added pulse to server list to make it more apparent that an option is selected. Will apply to other menus later
4 Years Ago
[D11] Fix to bug 4157 - Metal Ore was using wrong fbx.
4 Years Ago
[D11] Changing the scale of the cloud dome to remove the gap between water and the horizon/
4 Years Ago
[D11] Further bug 4020 fixes - Missed one due to unity.
4 Years Ago
[D11] - Fix to bug 4020 - Set up LODGroups on grass/bushes correctly.