
15 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

9 Minutes Ago
Update: DemoServer - bypas failed validation - We can't always reconstruct correct tick history in some situations, so instead we'll use them as data to compare against Tests: played the opriginal long demo - 1711 total violations across ~18 players.
43 Minutes Ago
Update: DemoServer - rudimentary tick visualization using gizmos - Temporrary while working on server demo reconstruction - will rip out once done with feature Tests: used on a demo recording on Craggy + the original demo that started it all.
Update: DemoServer - spawn entities with the right initial flags Turns out I had doors in a base to be closed on spawn, leading to tick violations - this fixes it. There's more violations to go. Tests: Played the demo, checked that the relevant door is now open.
Update: DemoServer - hook up metabolism and make every player invincible I thought metabolism would fix the drowning of main player, but the recording info contains empty oxygen. Instead, we treat every player as invincible unless there's a replication message to destroy them. Tests: Played the demo till the end - no more logs on main player drowning
Update: DemoServer handles a number of RPC messages - Only propertly implementing model flags for now - Adding a bunch of RPCs to ignore to avoid heavy spam during playback - Also renaming player game objects during playback to make it easier to track and inspect their state This revelas that during playback we're triggering a bunch of tick violations, which prevents position updates. Need to figure out how to deal with them. Tests: ran the same demo, this time with warnings not filtered out - once map loaded, the rate of warnings was decreased substantially.
4 Days Ago
Clean: removing no longer relevant comment
4 Days Ago
Update: DemoServer improvements and fixes - All ticks are now accepted - exposed an editor only API to inject ticks (avoid serialization roundtrip) - cleaned away tick logging - it generated too many logs Ticks are now caught, which is nice, but it looks like it's not validating them all outside of demo playback (saw only 2 players doing it on a perf capture). That'll be next. Tests: added temp debug assertions that would catch any discarded tick - played the new demo, and there were no more assertions.
4 Days Ago
Update: DemoServer - split ticks by distance instead of time - Splitting by time didn't guarantee that they were in valid distance ranges - Also handle case where we get positional data while the player is still initializing Getting closer, according to logs most ticks get accepted, but there are still a bunch that get filtered out - investigating. Tests: played the same demo, observed the logs.
4 Days Ago
Update: Server-Editor tries to synthesize position ticks for other players in client-demos - Also supports movement of other, non-player entities - Only handling positions for now Doing this to allow for more thorough testing. Some ticks get rejected despite being in the same position - need to investigate why. Tests: played the same demo as before - checked logs to see the injection and acceptance of ticks.
5 Days Ago
Bugfix: more NRE reductions in server-demo - Skip VoiceData and other messages that we can't support in editor environment (or don't want to) - Properly "disconnect" player when entity is being destroyed - "shutdown" the demo server when at the end of the demo to avoid unnecessary replication attempts/NREs This brings down NRE count during playback and shutdown from 40+ down to 4. Next up need to figure out if Tick processing works correctly (it ticks, but main player doesn't move). Tests: played back the same client demo, saaw the reduction in errors
6 Days Ago
Bugfix: no more duplicate players when playing a client demo on server-editor Now there's an issue with disconnecting/destryoed players - about 8 NREs about acessing something dead during BasePlayer.ServerCycle Tests: played the same demo - max players was 20 instead of 1k
6 Days Ago
Update: properly initialize players when playing a client-demo in server-editor - Also log when creating a main player - Report kick reasons as errors No more unexpected kicks for players. But, looks like we're duplicating players - by the end of playback we had 1k players, which is much more than I expected Tests: played back the same demo to completion, accumulated errors are only related to some invalid packets that we don't care about (like Voice)
6 Days Ago
Update: Server-editor is able to see ticks from the player when playing a client-demo - now also handling flag messages - skip server demos and warn user that it's not supported for now There are a couple things left to investigate and validate - why the kicks happening for being under terrain, whether I can restore full initialization flow Tests: ran the same demo, was able to verify that main player is identified and it's tick history is being stepped through
7 Days Ago
Update: Server demo playback now creates entities on palyers as it first encounters them - Added demo progress logging - Avoided a number of reasons for kicking (as we don't fully setup entity simulation) I can see more activity now - next up is making sure the important history is also replicated/present. Tests: played the same demo from before - logs confirmed players were present.
7 Days Ago
New: Editor-Server can playback a server demo Mimics how client demos are played back - streams commands to the server for execution. Currently doesn't spawn players/has some entities missing - that's next to investigate Tests: Took an old 5 min demo and played it back until it stopped the editor play session.