
432 Commits over 91 Days - 0.20cph!

58 Days Ago
Added fake physics rope to use for towing: puts a rational bezier curve along a line renderer. Added support for some fake wind and sway.
58 Days Ago
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58 Days Ago
Ensure ride horse shows up higher in menu before towing options
58 Days Ago
client compile fix
58 Days Ago
Server build errors
58 Days Ago
Changed towing/detaching to be menu items on the horse rather than automatic/keybinds
58 Days Ago
pivot work on battering ram wheel
58 Days Ago
merge from main
58 Days Ago
Added a system to show different gameobject based on whats loaded in the ballista magazine Set up a different placeholder model for each spear ammo item Fixed some client loading issue
58 Days Ago
battering ram shell temp preview
58 Days Ago
Added a power bar to show the ballista reload progress Fixed issues when reloading with no compatible ammo in your inventory Code cleanup
58 Days Ago
Added Ballista item and constructable prefabs
58 Days Ago
Removed logs
58 Days Ago
Work around to try and get battering ram wheels working. Still issues, now due to gimbal lock
58 Days Ago
Ballista client compile fixex
58 Days Ago
Finally got Battering Ram wheel movement working as it should. Increased update rate. Call visuals.UpdateTickStopped when client tick stops.
58 Days Ago
Ballista reloading cleanup Restored ammo switching Some client anim fixes
58 Days Ago
Changed the ballista reloading to a hold R to reload system
58 Days Ago
Added steer angle calculation to load
58 Days Ago
- UpdateWheelVisualsSimple now uses correct delta - Battering ram forces a visuals update once to start
58 Days Ago
Fixed clientside wheel turning for the battering ram. Just infer turn angle from wheel input and max steer angle.
58 Days Ago
- Fixed client build issues - Added IClientComponent to Battering ram and BaseSiegeWeapon visuals - Allow instantForced to be called in SimpleVehicleVisuals - Remove Logs - Moved away from quaternions when applying wheel rotation (should help with bugs?)
59 Days Ago
Missed file
59 Days Ago
- Battering ram moved over to use chassis visuals via SimpleVehicleVisuals. - Added support for multiple steer and clamp angles to SimpleVehicleVisuals - Set up more logs - BatteringRamVisuals
59 Days Ago
Added extra error messages to SimpleVehicleVisuals to make working with the vehicle system a bit easier
59 Days Ago
Added fx effects to all of the battering rams wheels
59 Days Ago
replaced fully rigid linear constraint with a stiff spring and a small linear limit for it to play in - absorbs force spikes better, especially when a kinematic body is attached
59 Days Ago
horse walking, trotting, sprinting, and turning speeds modified by towing - currently flat modifier of 60 percent across the board
59 Days Ago
missing TowingJointBreakDebug file
59 Days Ago
Added TowConfig to ballista Prevent mounting and dismount any mounted player when towed
59 Days Ago
siege weapons override vehicle handbrakes when being towed - fixed towed entities not getting their tow attach/detach callbacks
59 Days Ago
server-only compile fix
59 Days Ago
client-only compile fixes
59 Days Ago
- Dont force wheel update code. Abstract -> Virtual - Base Siege Weapon now implements VehicleChassisVisuals Client Wheel User - Siege Weapon Wheels are stored on the shared class now - Swapped all siege weapons over to Bills new system (apart from BatteringRam) - BaseSiegeWeapon handles most of the movement logic
59 Days Ago
Switched ballista mounted anim to standing Added placeholder hand IK (looks painful)
59 Days Ago
more towing strength adjustment
59 Days Ago
Cancel ballista reloading when unmounting mid-reload Reduced turning speed
60 Days Ago
applying horse motion through rigidbody to give more information for joint resolution, also adjusted towing anchor down
60 Days Ago
Can't use the ram without starting the engine
60 Days Ago
Removed allowedItems list from Mailbox, this list is now in StorageContainer
60 Days Ago
Better catapult colliders, added lootpanel prefab
60 Days Ago
halved twoing joint break strength
60 Days Ago
merge from main
60 Days Ago
Refactor: Further simple vehicle changes - Turned SimpleVehicleVisuals into a utility class instead. - Introduction of SimpleCarVisualsController to handle passing of appropriate settings into VehicleChassisVisuals. - Setup standard wheel update method. Retained old method of overrides.
60 Days Ago
server compile fix
60 Days Ago
Adjusted battering ram and ballista mount positions
60 Days Ago
SimpleVehicleVisuals server compile fix
60 Days Ago
Battering ram player model IK setup, added placeholder steering wheel
60 Days Ago
Using the ram consumes fuel Added RemoveFuel in IFuelSystem to allow removal of a specified amount of fuel in one go
2 Months Ago
Battering ram client steering, brake and throttle client inputs Engine audio baseline