
29,181 Commits over 3,683 Days - 0.33cph!

9 Years Ago
Optimize sample rates
9 Years Ago
Metabolism changes now networked immediately Fixed melee attack swings not playing Reduced torch brightness
9 Years Ago
Warn when a packet can't be sent (debugging) Fixed packets sometimes being dropped (dissapearing wall glitch)
9 Years Ago
Performance recording stuff
9 Years Ago
server.ip should work again
9 Years Ago
NRE fixes
9 Years Ago
EAC hashtool fixes
9 Years Ago
Metabolism rate hotfix (servers need to restart)
9 Years Ago
fixed minor bug with the spear idle animation
9 Years Ago
New hashtool config
9 Years Ago
Generated lootspawn recepies
9 Years Ago
Connection tweak Hammer non automatic, reduced delay Reduced ore cook times Increased shotgun damage
9 Years Ago
redid eoka animations so it works like the legacy eoka added new sounds and special fx for eoka eoka sounds like some japanese food.
9 Years Ago
Removed smoothness workaround from water shader (no longer required)
9 Years Ago
Removed directional light from reflection probe bake
9 Years Ago
Hydration drops half the rate of calories (probably backwards but we don't have any drinks)
9 Years Ago
Fixed block.halfheight metal health Fixed door metal health
9 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to connect to server after a failed join attempt
9 Years Ago
Fixed bow breaking when no ammo Lessened the effects of hunger/thirst - to avoid shock on it being enabled
9 Years Ago
Updated water to latest version
9 Years Ago
Server: Create a net_env if none exists (after loading a save)
9 Years Ago
Added hide boots/pants/poncho/vest Resized some oversized textures
9 Years Ago
Item cost balances
9 Years Ago
Fixed EAC error when disconnecting before auth
9 Years Ago
Fixed radiation overlay Re-enabled metabolism
9 Years Ago
Fixed EAC not loading
9 Years Ago
Fixed admins not really being set as admins
9 Years Ago
Updated bootstrap
9 Years Ago
Added rigged & roughly skinned head2 variant (no blends or lods)
9 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in FindClosestBone Changed how positions are networked Fixed NRE in PositionLerp Updated native dlls Fixed missing components on camera (bad merge?)
9 Years Ago
Allow developers to go third person too report protocol++
9 Years Ago
Floor decal fix, making them darker in unity is a quick fix for now.
9 Years Ago
fixed the animal animations so they don't flicker as much when moving at certain speeds tweaked animal animations so the foot placement matches better with movement speed. fixed animalskin script to work with multi materials
9 Years Ago
Increased arrow speed, made it shitter against buildings (!)
9 Years Ago
Fixed metal halfheight block being 4 meters offset
9 Years Ago
Location based damage is back Bone hit detection is more accurate Disabled NPC metabolism (because something wasn't working there) Added bone names to localization
9 Years Ago
Changing D3D9 fullscreen mode to "exclusive mode" by request
9 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in OnProjectileAttack
9 Years Ago
Fixed empty string network write NRE Fixed NRE in Deployer Fixed "dropped through" server errors
9 Years Ago
Shooting metal blocks now makes sparks Shooting stone blocks now make correct stone block being shot effects
9 Years Ago
Fix compile error and reapply footstep updates
9 Years Ago
foundation, floor, roof, walls, stairs - metal tier
9 Years Ago
Low wall grades
9 Years Ago
Metal walls
9 Years Ago
Enabled reflection probes on the 3 fastest quality settings (fixes black water)
9 Years Ago
Try Catch around UnityAnalytics calls - because they're throwing errors for some people
9 Years Ago
wooden door key can be burnt in fire/furnace
9 Years Ago
Fixed protection properties not expanding when new damage types added Beefed up block vs melee protections
9 Years Ago
Added stats tables to BaseMelee preview
9 Years Ago
Boilerplate for recording bytes sent