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Chase and combat state improvements.
Default usecalculatepath to true
updated human AI designs with extra combat->cover transition
merge from animaltweaks. Distance changes.
client compile fix for new Reloading ai event.
BaseNavigator can now use SetDestination or CalculatePath. Added ai.usecalculatepath to toggle (defaults to false for now)
Added ai.pathfindingIterationsPerFrame.
added Reloading AI event.
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Chase state faces target if LOS
TakeCover state runs face target logic even if in error state.
Reduced boar run speed, animals give up chase based on distance too.
merge from animal aggro changes, improved cooldown state design and increased range at which attacked animals flee instead of charging.
Added BanditGuard human class and switched bandit guard from scientist class to it, so that they don't play scientist sounds.
BaseNavigator.SetDestination respects nav_disable
Added aggression timer event, cooldown state, animal design update to include cooldown state and chase less.
Reduced junk pile scientist range
Fixed junk pile scientists charging the player incorrectly.
More accurate vision distance. Reduced boar and stag vision ranges.
Increase tunnel dweller vision range
change swimming default to true
BaseNavigator returns false (and states return an error) if the target position is not within attack range
Human GetBestTarget improvements and human AI design updates.