1,155 Commits over 3,773 Days - 0.01cph!
EQ tweaks on concrete footsteps
Clean up hard grass footsteps
Cross instance sound repetition prevention
Fix rock sounds not playing
Concrete footsteps first pass
Fix ambience for new topologies
Reorganize sounds after move outside resources folder
Make sure the rest of the sound system is using prefab references instead of string names
First pass at snow and wood footsteps
Footsteps WIP / Ambience tweaks
Missing start position randomization
Ambient stings & ambience volume tweaks
Fix rock sounds not playing
Missing files for new sound system?
First pass at a more centralized sound system
Move rock sounds to new system
Fix lit torch attack not playing strike effect
Change torch attack sound when lit
Missing changes from ak74u first pass
Adjust waterpipe shotgun attack volume
First pass at ak74u sounds
Tweak salvaged axe sounds
Adjust torch strike sound
Increase volume of bolt rifle deploy slightly
Tweak bolt rifle deploy sound
First pass at bone knife sounds
Add bone fragments to default inventory in unity editor
First pass at revolver sounds
First pass at eoka pistol sounds. Fix eoka pistol firing twice at once
First pass at waterpipe shotgun sounds
First pass at thompson sounds
First pass bolt rifle sounds
Fix click in pickaxe strike sound
Pickaxe sounds, first pass
Torch sounds & fixed torch double attack/strike
Hammer sounds and sound tweaks