1,134 Commits over 3,653 Days - 0.01cph!
Autoturret sound perf improvements
Lower chainsaw pitch + volume tweaks
Chainsaw sound tweak (remove stray EQ)
Chainsaw sound playback polish
Reapply ambience streaming change without stray waterwell files
25407 just in case
Ambient sound is no longer set to streaming (perf fix)
Third person sounds for water bucket, bottle, jug, and bota bag.
New flare sounds
Survey charge fuse sound and deploy sound polish
Medical Syringe sound polish and third person sounds
Third person planner deploy sound
Ambience level tweaks
Lower global voice limit on gunshots (scientist spam gun perf)
Third person ADS sounds have super super short range
More third person sounds (aim down sights, grenades, bandages, etc)
Binocular sounds
Flashlight sounds
New 1st person deploy sounds for a handful of items
Third person deploy sounds for most held entities
Fixed a few SoundPlayers that were missing sound refs
Third person melee weapon swing sounds
Spinner wheel sound bugfixes
Loads more deployable sounds
Open/close sounds only play for the local player
Lots of new deployable placement sounds
Lots of new deployable interaction sounds
Tweaks to some interaction sounds from last week
Static refinery sounds shit for real this time
Scene 2 prefab (static oil refinery sound fix)
Oil refinery sound ref fix
24349 and fix cocked up sound refs
Lots of new on/off/ignite/extinguish sounds for deployables
Lots of new active/burning loops for deployables
Open/close sounds for a few deployables
New sounds for searchlight movement
Lots of sound tweaks and polish
Campfire/furnace ignite & extinguish sounds
Ceiling light on/off sounds
tree bonus marker hit sound tweaks
Fix volume jump when a sound that's already fading out is told to fade out again
Add ability to define falloff/spread/spatial blend curves on a sound by sound basis
New tree sounds
Cave reverb tweaks
Fix occasional attempt to unload music clips that aren't loaded yet
Fix repeated phys impact sounds when objects get stuck inside something
Failsafe for rare stuck bush rustle
Fix song shuffling not kicking in before first piece of music plays
Fix stray dome sounds on lighthouse
Workbenches have deploy sounds
Tweak large gate sounds to match new anim speed
Cleanup duplicated MainCannonAttack prefab
Perf fix for occludable sounds with local voice limiting enabled
merge from main/bradley-sounds
Voice limiting tweaks
Play camera focus sound less often on auto turret
Auto turret accent sound voice limiting tweaks
quick distant bradley engine idle
Ensure EffectRecycle doesn't invoke Recycle more than once when onParentDestroyed is DetachWaitDestroy and playMode is Once (heli explosion fix)
Music intensity doesn't drop during loading screen
Gunshots and explosions bump music intensity more if you're closer to them
Fix footsteps not playing on ore nodes
Fix footsteps not playing on steep inclines
Walk/run footsteps are chosen by movement speed not sprint key state (no sprint steps when going up steep hills)
Mix tweaks
Make sure load in background is enabled for all NPC sounds