userAlex Webstercancel

2,903 Commits over 3,987 Days - 0.03cph!

38 Days Ago
- added asset folders - added viewmodel blockout to viewmodel prefab
42 Days Ago
updates to snackhub viewmodel prefab, animation and animator updates
44 Days Ago
torch - initial 3p anims and prefab updates
44 Days Ago
3p rock anims and set up
44 Days Ago
updated 3p ak deploy to remove jitter
45 Days Ago
base rig fbx, placeholder anims, animator, prefabs
49 Days Ago
removed walks (doubled up jogs) in player animator for more responsive movement
50 Days Ago
updated ak entity hold info offset
50 Days Ago
updated ak47 entity hold info offset
51 Days Ago
anim export update
51 Days Ago
3p sar anim updates (top spine control set to 50 in rot Y)
51 Days Ago
ak47 entity spine offset added
51 Days Ago
updated 3p ak47 anims
51 Days Ago
set inventory anim controller to temporarily use base idle
51 Days Ago
sar entity update - positioned inner bolt as it was appearing offset - unpacked model in prefab
57 Days Ago
med ak viewmodel - removed old ak mesh from prefab - updated attachment positions, adding bepoke where needed - updated deploy anim to fix bolt snapping issue (also improved finger pose to remove hand intersection)
58 Days Ago
Med ak - set dropped mag effect to use base ak mag model (for now to fix an error) - updated viewmodel mesh, rigged and set up in game, re-linked materials - world model prefab setup
58 Days Ago
med ak mag drop model meta update
58 Days Ago
med ak entity - setting up anim events & effects for mag drop - now uses own animator & anims (to call bespoke mag drop anim event) - name changes to match existing model conventions - removed unnecessary prefabs
58 Days Ago
med ak - rigged worlmodel, brought mag into file - initial 3p entity setup
58 Days Ago
sar 3p straight ahead (zero spine rotation) anims
58 Days Ago
rustplayer avatar update (added spine 4 as upper chest)
60 Days Ago
ballista weapon anim updates, added ballista mount anims
60 Days Ago
viewmodel mini crossbow - reduced dryfire repeat rate - cleanup, removed uneeded model prefab, renaming
2 Months Ago
med ak skin WIP - model skinned & exported - initial prefabs setup
2 Months Ago
added new player loadout
2 Months Ago
merge from med ak skin branch
2 Months Ago
weapon updates - Ported over ak and sar 3p anims, exported on v4 rig - prefab setup work - holster updates - removed offsets in entities - created world weapon masks and removed root bone from meta - holdtype setup - re-parent entity to prop bone
2 Months Ago
mini crossbow viewmodel - set up idle/ads idle states in animator
3 Months Ago
blowpipe viewmodel prefab updates - set viewmodel mesh to 0.7 in the z ( to make it feel closer to camera) - set up viewmodel renderers - set to use viewmodel camera - removed crossbow mesh from prefab - removed ironsights script
3 Months Ago
lr 300 - v4 exports, anim naming updates, override controller set to use udpated anims
3 Months Ago
viewmodel camera clipping fixes - eoka left arm position posed out of shot to fix clipping, also reduced rotation sway
3 Months Ago
more viewmodel camera clipping fixes - rotation sway reduced
3 Months Ago
viewmodel camera clipping fixes - rotation sway reduced for problematic melee weapons
3 Months Ago
more weapon camera clipping fixes
3 Months Ago
weapon camera clipping fixes
3 Months Ago
t1 smg viewmodel - Fixed left arm causing camera clipping issues when wearing some hazmats
3 Months Ago
battering ram anim upodates
4 Months Ago
updated battering ram anim, new states in animator, more build up in attack anim
4 Months Ago
battering ram - model update export
4 Months Ago
battering ram - updated animator to remove additional broken anim loop
4 Months Ago
updated battering ram anims
4 Months Ago
battering ram - new broken state - animator updates - added 'broken' bool
4 Months Ago
Battering ram - Added new driving pose - Added battering ram sit mountpose enum - Added pose to player controller - Set to use new pose in seat prefab
4 Months Ago
battering ram - updated ik hand targets
4 Months Ago
battering ram anims updated
4 Months Ago
battering ram anims exported on updated rig
4 Months Ago
added initial battering ram anims
4 Months Ago
- added test holdtype folders (1h/2h melee, bow, lr300) - added v4 rustplayer mask - setup hatchet 3p anims (updated melee overide controller) - updated hatchet.entity (removed offsets and set to attach to r_prop) - setup 2h 3p anims (updated sword overide controller) - updated longsword.entity (removed offsets and set to attach to r_prop) - updated lr300.entity (removed offsets and set to attach to r_prop) - added v4 player update loadout
4 Months Ago
set up v4 unarmed anims in player animator