userAlex Webstercancel

2,823 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.03cph!

1 Year Ago
quarry track - flipped uvs on track belt
1 Year Ago
Horse idles - Anim event update, updates to animator
1 Year Ago
▅▍ █▌▇▋▌ ▊█▆▇▅ ▅▇▍█ ▇▉▇▍, ▅▋▌▉▋▅▅ ▇▌ ▇▌█▇▋▋▆▅
1 Year Ago
▊▊▋▊▍▌ █▅▇▍▉▇▉
1 Year Ago
▄▅▆▉▊▉ ▅▊▊▄▍█▄
1 Year Ago
▍▉▌▅▋▋▆ ▊█▇█▌, ▊▅▇ .█▄▊▅▌ ▄▌ ▉▋▍ ▄▆▇▊
1 Year Ago
█▆▅▍ ▆▌▌▅▇▍▊▅
1 Year Ago
▍▍█▋ ▌▄▇▊▅ ▊▍▇▇▅▍
1 Year Ago
▌█▄▇▍▆ █▊▍▌█▋▍
1 Year Ago
█▄▍▆▅▊▍▉▋ ▉▌▆▉▋▇ ▋▉▆▆▋▋ ▊▊▆▅▍▄▍▆ ▉▄▍▄▋▉▍
1 Year Ago
▇▌▅▇▇▅ ▅▉▆▄▍▅▌
1 Year Ago
▆▆▋▍█ ▇▆▉▄▇█▉ - █▊ ▅▍▄▉▄█ ▍▅▊▅▉ - ▅▍▆▊▋▌▇▊▊█ ▊▉▍▉▌▄ ▊█▊▇▌, █▉▇▋▋▍▊ ▍█▅ ▊▉█▇ █▍▌▆█▅▍ ▋▅▉█▅▍▅▇ - ▆▋▄▌▊▊ / ▇▍▌▍▌▊▊▅ ▇▄▄▉▆ - █▄▌▅▅▆▍▊▇▋ ▇▊▄█▉ - ▅▇▉▋ ▋▊▄▍▍▇▊█ - ▇▊▌█▇▉▊ ▊▇█▊▍▉▋ ▄▄ ▅▉▆▌▅ ▄▍▄▉▇▋▊█▅▌
1 Year Ago
▉▄▌▇▆ ██▇▅▄▄▌ - ▍▆ ▅▄▊▅▌▍ ▄▋▇▆▋▍▋▍ █▄▉▋▇▊ - ▉█▅▅▄▋ ▍▇▋▄▅ ▅▊▊▉▌, ▌▌-█▉█▌▊▉▉▇ - ▋▉▌▄▉▇▉▇▊▋ ▌█▄▄▄▊ ▍▇▅▉▇, ▄▇▊▆▊▆▌ ▆▋▋ ▉▉▋▄ ▇▉▊█▌▊▇ ▄▌▄█▋▇█▋ - ▌▆█▄▍▊ / ▅▆▌▌▄▊▅▍ ▍▆▌▇▄ - ▊▅▇▌▇▌▄▄█▊ ▌▌▌▇█ - ▌█▅▉ ▋█▅▇▋▊▋▄ - ▆▄▍▋▉█▇ ▋▊▉█▄ - ▅▍▉▋▊▄▍ ▅▇▊▄█▅▆/▊▊▉▋▉▆ ▉▌ ▌▍▉▌▆ █▉▉▋▇▄▄█▌▌
1 Year Ago
▋▌▌▇▋ █▇▊█▄ ▅█▅▊▄ - ▋▇▆▄▄▇█▍▆▊ ▋▆▅▄▅▉ ▊▍▄▉▍▌▍ - ▇▆▌▋▌▇▌█▉ ▄▉▆▌█▉ ▉▌▇▌▉▊▄ - ▆▆▉▇▉▉▉▄ ▄▄▌ ▇▌▋▆▉▊ ▊█▅▅▅ - ▉▋▆▄ ▄█▆▆▅ - ▆▆▇▄▊▅▉ ▋▆▍█▄██ ▉▉▌▆▆▊▆ / ▄▉▍▅▊▌▄ ▉▉▅▌▋▍
1 Year Ago
▄▄ ▉▇▊▌▊ █▇▄▆▆ ▆▅▊▉▄ - ▊▋▌▅▉ ▇▊▋▆▇▉ ▇▌██▌ ▄▍/▋▋▌ █▍▅▌▄
1 Year Ago
▉▊ ▉▍▆▄▍ ▅▅▆▍▆▆▆ - ▄█▄▍▄▉▋█ & ▇▌▌▇▌▉ ▇▆▍▉▍▊▉
1 Year Ago
█▄ ▅█▇▇▄ ▅▌▉█▊▍▅ - ▊▅▅▋▍▋█ ▍▄▅▋, ▄▅▇ ▋▊ ▆▄▅▉▌▄▉▇█ █▅▉▆█▍ ▇▊▆▅▊▊
1 Year Ago
█▊ ▆▆▋▊▊ ▍▋▇▅█▄▇ - ▊▍▇▍▉▍▉ ▍▋▋▌▅▋▉ ▍▅▍▇▍, ▇▇▅ ▍▍▄▇▄▉▋
1 Year Ago
██▇▇▊ █▌▌▌▊▍▉ ▉▅▇▆▄▍▆▅▅ ▍▋▇▋▇▍ ▋▆▍▄▉, ▉▌▄▋▄ ▊▄▅▅▆▍ █▊ ▇▅▍▆
1 Year Ago
tweaked on exit time transition timing
1 Year Ago
fixed issue with shaking when in off state
1 Year Ago
█▇▇ ▊▉▍▊█▍▉ ▍▌▊▋▅ ▅▆▄▄ ▅▌ ▊▋█▊
1 Year Ago
▍▄▊▇ ▄▅▆▍ ▋▅▆▄▍▆█ ▉▋█▄ ▌▊ █▊▄▉▊▇ ▆█▌▉▅▆▅▌ ▅▌▋ ▇▉▅▅
1 Year Ago
animated recycler using static prefab, collision and shadowbox attached, non moving prefab reverted
1 Year Ago
▅▇▅▍▍ ▋▆▌▉▄▇▅ █▋▆▌▌ ▉▇ ▆▌▆▉▌ ▅█▋▉▇ ( ▋▄ ▍█▊▋█▊ ▍▌▋▆ ▍▋▉ ▅▋ ▊▄▄ ▍▉▅▄█ ▊▌▌▆▋█ ▄▊▉ ▌▍█▊▌▄▌ ▆▍▊▊▄▌▉▄)
1 Year Ago
rustige egg anim controller update
1 Year Ago
updated blur meshes to rig, updated blur materials with texture updates
1 Year Ago
rustige egg anim fixes
1 Year Ago
vm eoka - bug fix for undesired arm gesture during some anims
1 Year Ago
Added rear rotor rod to main meshes, updated skinning, tweaks to uv's on blur meshes
1 Year Ago
entity positional updates
1 Year Ago
.entity positional updates
1 Year Ago
reverted selected holdtype override controllers to current versions on main, re-added current player animator & renamed experimental controller
1 Year Ago
update to slide back anim mask settings
1 Year Ago
Attack heli - Added blur blade bones, meshes and materials - Added turbofan bone - Updated blades to use correct material in prefab
1 Year Ago
Fix for dryfire sound looping on p17 & SAP
1 Year Ago
fix for floating bullet issue while in ADS
2 Years Ago
ice throne - player anim update
2 Years Ago
vm wrench pipe fixes
2 Years Ago
pipe wrench vm tweaks, renderer fixes, setup 3p holdtype
2 Years Ago
pipe wrench viewmodel - base file, anims, controller, updated vm prefab to use new files
2 Years Ago
▌▋▇▋▍ █▇▅▅▍▄▍▇ ▅▆▊▍▍▉ ▊▍▆▇ ▅▄▇ ▊█▄█ ▅▋▊▊▍▄▍ ▋▄ ▊▊▆ ▄█▌▉▅▇, █▄▅▄█ ▅▆ ▉▇▅▊▉▌▌▅, ▊▋▇▇▋ ▆▆▋▆▌ ▌▄▊▅▍▆▉▆ ▇▄▍▇
2 Years Ago
SAP - mask edits to fire anims, updated base file with bullet now skinned, updated slide pose with bullet hidden
2 Years Ago
updated m92 slide pose, updates to controller
2 Years Ago
slide state changes for p17, SAP, and m92 (wip)
2 Years Ago
vm python - hammer is now in forward position by default
2 Years Ago
dog animator updates
2 Years Ago
vm m92 - fix for vertical sway in ADS