userAlex Webstercancel

1,521 Commits over 3,623 Days - 0.02cph!

2 Years Ago
added engine shake layer
2 Years Ago
skinning update
2 Years Ago
updated fuel pose clips
2 Years Ago
updated snowmobile model with rig and anims, added animator
2 Years Ago
snowmobile driver leaning anim tests
2 Years Ago
frame range update for snowmobile shooting anim
2 Years Ago
updated ik targets on hands to reduce broken wrists
2 Years Ago
updated passenger shooting anim
2 Years Ago
set passenger seat to use new pose, adjusted mount offset
2 Years Ago
retro snowmobile - added 360 shooting specific anim, updated player animator, added snowmobile driving and passenger mountpose enum, updated seat prefab to use new pose
2 Years Ago
▅▄▅▇▆ ▇▊▉▍▇▅▌▋▋▉ - ▇▆█▇ ▌▋▌▋▉▅ █▄▋ ▅▄▋ ▉▊▉ ▇▆▄ ▌▄▄▉▄▍ ▅▋ ▌▉▋▍▍▇▍▅, ▊▋▇▆▊▅▋ ▇▍█▌▉ ▊▆▅█▆▇▇█ ▇▆▋▌▉▋, ▇▍▆▋▅▋▌ █▄▋▍▍▇▊ ▆▋ ▊▉▄▉▅▊█▇▊▊ ▍▉ ▋▇▄█ ▊▌▌▌▄▅ ▆▅▋▆▅▇▉▇
2 Years Ago
▊█▋█▌ ▉▆▉▇██▇█▋▌ - ▄▇▇▄ ▌▋▇▍▌ ▉▅▄ ▋▆▋▋▅, ▊▋▊█▉▅▉, ▅▉▋▌▉ ▍▅▇▉█, ▅▌▋▅█▉▆▉ ▌▍▋██, ▇▉▋▇▊▊▄ ▇▉▅▋▍▇ ▄█ █▍█ ▌▉▇ ▅▍▍▍▆▆█▍ ▊▆▌ ▊▄▇▇▌▉
2 Years Ago
▉██▌▇▅ ▍█▍▉▊ █▅▍█▊▊▇▉▆▉, ▋█▋▉▍▍▋ ▌▋▋▌▊█▉▉ ▇█▌
2 Years Ago
▌▌▋▆█▅▋▊ ▅▍▄ ▌▍▆▆▇▉▆ ▊▍▆▍ (▍█ ▍▌▋ ▌)
2 Years Ago
▅▅█ ▇▇▆▊▅▍▊▇▌ ▋▉▍▋▋▊██▄▋ █▆▄▄▍▆▌▅ - ▋▅▊ ▇▆█▉, ▍▋▉▉█▋▆ ▊▄▄█▄▌ ▋▋▌▌▍▇▋▅, ▆▇▇█▆ ▌▍▆▅█▇█▅▌▌ ▍▍▊▄▆▊▍▄█ ▅▄▇▍, ▇▌▇▌▋█▊ █▅▅▅ ▌▆█▌▉▅ ▊▋ ▍▌▍ ▍▇▇ ▉▉▇▇
2 Years Ago
▉█▅▊▆▍ █▅▍▆▋
2 Years Ago
▅▅ ▆▉▊▇▌▋▇▄ ▇▍▄▊█▍ █▆▋▉, ▇█▅█▄▉ ▆█ █▄ ▉▍██▉▊▊▋
2 Years Ago
▄▌ █▉▌▅█▄▌▍ ▅▊▊▋▉▌▇
2 Years Ago
▍▄▌█▋▄▊ █▄ ▋▌▆▌▌▌▉█ ▋▊▋▇▇, ▇▋▊▊▉▍▉ ▊▅█▌▋▍█▍▊▄, ▍▍█ ▅▇▊▍▆▅ ▆▆▄█ ▇▊█▊▊▄
2 Years Ago
█▋▅▆▇▅▅ ▍▍█▄█▅▇▅▌ ▄▅▊▇▆ ▄▅▇
2 Years Ago
█▊▋▇▍▇▄▆ ▌█▅▊█▉▊ ▆▋▌ ▌▅ ▉▅▅ ▊▆▆▌▄▇█ ▋_▄▆▅▌▉, .▆▊▋█▆▅ █▌▌▌▋▅▋ ▉▇▊█▅▅ ▇█▄▅▋▉▍▍ █▊▅▇▇ ▊▄▍ ▄▄█▌█▋▆▌ ▇█▋▇▋▅▅▊▅▍
2 Years Ago
▋▇ ▉▅▊▍▍▅██ ▆▇▆▍ & █▌▋▊▌▋██ ▇▅▋▇▉▄▇
2 Years Ago
▋█▇▌▄ ▌▆▆▅ ▄▋▄▋▉
2 Years Ago
▄▅█ ▄▌ ▆▌▇▇▅▄▅ ▊▆▌▇ ▌▇▌▊▍▆▉▅▍ ▌▉▌▆▇▆▅, ▉▆█ ▉▇▅▌▍▍ ▆█ ▅▋▍ ▇█▊ '▇' ▄▍▋▇
2 Years Ago
Updated rigged model with SAR backface fix
2 Years Ago
▆█▉▌ ▋▉▇ ▉█▍▌█ ▍▌▋▋▋
2 Years Ago
▊▅▌▊▆▋▍ ▄▇▊ ▅▋▆▇▄ ▅▆▄▊▉ ▅▊▋▇ ▌▅▋▊▋ ▄▊ ▄▉▇▋▅▊▌▊
2 Years Ago
▋▍▋▇█ ▉▇▌▋ ▌▋▉▅▊
2 Years Ago
█▅█▉▍ ▉▋█▆▅█ ▋▉▋▆▋▄
2 Years Ago
██▉▆ ▋▄▋▌▍, █▄██▍▇▍ ▍▊▄▅▆▊▊▋▉▊, ▉▇▋▅▆
2 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
▋▌▌ ▌▇▋ ▇▇▇▊▆ ▍▌▅▋▊▌▆▆▅
3 Years Ago
█▆▋▋▄ ▄▉▊█▇ ▋▄ ▊▆█▄▌█▋▋, ▅▌▋▄ ▍▆▇▊▉▍ ▋▆▆ ▇▉▌▉▍ ▇▆▄▋▋▉, ▇▋▄▌▅ ▊█ █▋▌█▊▉ ▋▋ ▌▊▍▅█▊, █▋▇▊ ▊▉▍▅█
3 Years Ago
▍▅▉▋▌▆▋▍ █▉▅▉ █▍▅▉█
3 Years Ago
▋██▋ ▍█▍█▇ ▇▌▋ ▌▋▄▌▉▌█▉
3 Years Ago
▊▇▌█▆█ █▇█▊█ ▇▌▋█ ▍▇-▄▅▍▉▅▄, ▊▆▌ ▆▆▉▄▍ ▉▌ ▄▆█▊▄▆▋▉ ▉█ ▆▋▄▆▆ ▉▅ ▊▌ ▅▆█▉▇
3 Years Ago
▇▋▊▇▋▅▄▌▉▍▄▇ ▇▄▄▊▄ - ▅▋▆▋▍ ▄▅▅▆▌▌█▊ ▌▋▇▅▍▋ ▌▊▊▆
3 Years Ago
▅▋▊▆▆ █▉▋▇▇▊▉█ ▌▄▇▌▍ █▇ ██▇▊▆
3 Years Ago
▍█▄▉▊ █▍▋▇▇▌ ▇▍▋█ ▇█▄▆▆▇ ▉▍▌ █▊▇▋▉▅▅▍▅
3 Years Ago
█▇▇▊▊ ▄▄▆██▅, ▍▉▌█▆, ▉▆█▍▌▇▍▉ ▍▅▄ ▄█▊▅▊ █▇█▇▊, ▋▌▇▋▍▉▅ ▆█▌▊▋▉
3 Years Ago
▋▍▍ ▌▆▄▊▆▉▊▉▍▉
3 Years Ago
▊▊▍▉▆ ▉█▌▉▆▄█▆▊, ▌▅▅▆█▄▉▄, ▇█▋▆▅ ▅▅▌▌▊ ▋▍▇ ▅▍▍▊▌▊▇▌▍▆ ▆▄▊ ▉█
3 Years Ago
▆▋▉▊▇▍ ▅▉▇▋▆▆█ ▆▍ ▍▇▇ ▆█▌ ▉▄ ▇▍▍ ██▊▊▄▇▍▋▆ ▄▉▄▆▇▌, ▄▆▌█▇█▄ ▍▄█▊█ ▆▇ ▊▊▆▊▇█ (▋▍ ▊▊'▍ ▇▋▍ ▌█▇▄▍ ▊▌ ▇▅ ▌▊▉█)
3 Years Ago
added scientist override controller
3 Years Ago
scientist idle update
3 Years Ago
▆▋▇▇▅▋▇ ▌▌▉▍▅█ ▉▊▍▉▋▇▆ ▇▌▊▆▆▌ ▋▌▉▌▌
3 Years Ago
scientist idle
3 Years Ago
▄▆▍▌▊▆ ▍▌▇▄▅▌▆ ▇▆ █▉▇▍▊▋▍, ▊▄▅▅█ █▆▅ ▇█▆▊▄▌▇ ▉▉▊▍▇▄▅▊▋▆ ▅▅▄ █▄█ ▉▅▄▊ ▍▊▉▋▉▊ ▅▊ ▊▉▉ ▆█
3 Years Ago
▍█▇▊▊▅ ▅▆▉▍▌▇█ ▇▉ ▄▊▆▄▅▇█
3 Years Ago
▇▋▋▆▉▊▇ ▉▆▇▋▇ ▌▄▌ ▆█▌▊▍▆ ▅▆█▆▍▅▄ █▊▉▌▅▊█▌▅