userAlex Webstercancel

1,515 Commits over 3,623 Days - 0.02cph!

1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
Paddle viewmodel - Fixed bug with vm vanishing during attack anim - Added admire anim & hooked up in animator
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
dog animator & anim updates
1 Year Ago
turning tests, adding layer & param to animator
1 Year Ago
added canter anim
1 Year Ago
Dog -anim updates, re-exported anims with added eyelid bones
1 Year Ago
added trot anim
1 Year Ago
1st pass dog anims and animator
1 Year Ago
adding avatar settings
1 Year Ago
vm molotov cocktail - fix for fingers clipping jar
1 Year Ago
fix for molotov projectile
1 Year Ago
fix for locomotive driver pose, updated ik target for lever
1 Year Ago
re-exported locomotive player anim
1 Year Ago
locomotive updates - Added driver sitting anim - Added pose to player animator - Updated player enum mount poses - Set driver prefab to use new mountpose
1 Year Ago
vm molotov cocktail - 2nd pass anims & animator updates
1 Year Ago
removed unused molotov prefab
1 Year Ago
renamed flashbang and molotov world models to match convention
1 Year Ago
3p molotov anims, entity setup, override controller
1 Year Ago
flashbang,viewmodel update
1 Year Ago
1st pass flashbang.viewmodel
1 Year Ago
vm molotov - 1st pass anim & animator setup with new functionality
1 Year Ago
Fixes for loot wagons, anims for fuel wagons, updated animator with added layer
1 Year Ago
vm molotov cocktail - 1st pass anims, animator, viewmodel prefab
1 Year Ago
vacuum tube anim setup to handle wagons of various heights
1 Year Ago
optimised 3p cardgame anim
1 Year Ago
optimised some 3p reload anims
1 Year Ago
added optimisation to a bunch of mocap anims that had animation compression set to off (includes player inventory anims)
1 Year Ago
vacuum tube anim updates, removed test anim
1 Year Ago
- Replaced mesh in trainyard scene with prefab to get further updates automatically
1 Year Ago
- Updated vacuum tube anims - Added triggers for animator & state changes - Added vacuum tube to vacuum machine prefab
1 Year Ago
vacuum tube 1st pass anims and anim controller
1 Year Ago
HMLMG - reduced pop on ADS attack
1 Year Ago
hmlmg scope attachment fixes
1 Year Ago
vm updates - removed gun moving back on bolt pull - added ADS idle & fire, with reduced movement - setup additional deploy - tweaked original deploy - ammo belt secondary movement refinement - fixed wrist shearing
1 Year Ago
removed unnecessary viewmodel prefab, renamed worldmodel prefab
1 Year Ago
world model prefab setup, item prefab updated to use correct worldmodel prefab
1 Year Ago
renderer setup to use viewmodel script
1 Year Ago
updates to vm attachments and base file, sep ironsights mesh, prefab setup
1 Year Ago
correct positioning for all attachments on player entity, updated anims and animator
1 Year Ago
player anim, entity and world model animator updates, added anims for world weapon, added separate ammo box model and lods, effect setup
1 Year Ago
entity updates
1 Year Ago
added effects folder