117,386 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Merge from procgen (this will break all the things)
No broken pink stuff in test scenes.
Cave assets and test scene. Vpaint, scenemate and volumetric light kit added to third party assets.
Added player preview to inventory menu
Stripped out old inventory menu parts
Made terrain math not crash if no colormap is supplied
Added adjustable fog height slider to terrain shaders
Tweaked billboard fade distance
Fixed stupid billboard shader glitch
Made billboard shader support brightening the texture
Updated CoherentUI - ->
Better html zoom handling
Inventories send capacity info to html
Disable slots outside of capacity in loot menu
Moved out of game test functions to development.js
Stop looting if too far away
Stop looting if destroyed
Stop looting when window closed
Refactored player inventory - use enums instead of numbers
Fix being able to deploy multiple hammers etc
Fixed server compile error
Some more shader fixes and tweaks
Made trees use the new billboard textures
Added missing billboard texture meta files
Shader refactoring
Enabled layer mask blending for the procedural terrain
Fixed normal + height textures not being properly preprocessed on import
-tweaked the vertex weighting on the wolf; added a growl animation
LOD billboards for forest type 3
Fixed unused variable warning
Looting window works (kinda)
Added masked-blend layer terrain cginc + sample shader; _normalterrain map pre-processor
Menu popup animation
Refactored Menu
Moved crafting window to far left
Fixed dragged items being behind menu
Fixed camera far clip plane
Put forest 3 tree and decor prefabs on world layer
World fog tweaks, underwater fog volume now also visible if looking down at water
Added 2D version of the move to target script
Forest 3 tree prefab tweaks
Added billboard materials for the rest of forest 3
Changed terrain texture tiling to 5
Made all of my shaders use tabs instead of spaces
Changed terrain fallback shader
More snow stuff. Brrrrrrr.
Cleaned up masked-blend shader, optimized a little bit, removed height-based sorting to depend on splat order; updated test material
Patched lighting on masked-blend layer terrain shader; tweaked test material