
508 Commits over 183 Days - 0.12cph!

38 Days Ago
re-added early exit on flipped check loop
38 Days Ago
minor cleanup and crunching meshes down for 20% reduction
39 Days Ago
reduce vertex lookups in simplification
39 Days Ago
switched out normal parallel check in simplification with a dirtier cross product based one to remove a couple of normalize calls - 75% perf improvement
39 Days Ago
more cleanup, profiling, and some micro optim
39 Days Ago
cherry pick carve radius change
39 Days Ago
dropped carve radius for testing
40 Days Ago
missing readonly access
40 Days Ago
cleanup and correct ref access to ref readonly access where appropriate
40 Days Ago
set wip material as current ice material
43 Days Ago
added playground.sculptures test scene with its own filestorage db to store the sculpture data
43 Days Ago
server handles decoding saved sculptures from disk properly
43 Days Ago
made server file storage a convar - default behaviour retained
43 Days Ago
added playground.sculputres.sav TestSave - grid of some differently carved sculptures for material testing
43 Days Ago
merge from main
44 Days Ago
sculpture serialization - added FileStorage type for sculpture data (lz4 compressed) - changed sculpting data flow so changes are made on the server and then retrieved by the client
44 Days Ago
44 Days Ago
merge from main
45 Days Ago
dropped block scale a little
45 Days Ago
switched out ddraw hitguide for basic prefab setup and added some lerping to target pos to offset delay from interaction tick rate
45 Days Ago
showing some visual feedback on where player will chip into the sculpture if they're holding a weapon with a compatible damage type (just ddraw for now)
45 Days Ago
prefab adjustments and cleanup
45 Days Ago
recalculating nrender bounds properly after vertices and indices assignment
45 Days Ago
giving mesh the same name as its entity
45 Days Ago
corrected entity bounds
45 Days Ago
cleanup on carving function
45 Days Ago
merge from main
46 Days Ago
sculpting progress - corrected offset to align pivot to bottom of block - basic carving, takes a small radius chunk out on-hit with piercing damage - corrected mesh update to clear previous data correctly - corrected physics mesh bake to assign collider back correctly
46 Days Ago
sculpture changes and cleanup - controls for scaling and offset - mesh collider has correct mesh assigned - removed rpc for switching between native/managed (only native now)
47 Days Ago
47 Days Ago
introduced manager class that allows marching cubes to be enqueued and then processed in parallel (only iterating and processing thoses that have requested it) - parallelises the marching between systems - parallelises the physics mesh baking across job threads as well
47 Days Ago
reduced per-cube temp allocs
47 Days Ago
converted to use burst and the jobsystem - still needs thought on multithreading, but about a 10x speedup from burst usage already
47 Days Ago
packages burst 1.8.16->1.8.17 collections 2.5.1
50 Days Ago
further marching cubes work - separating sculpting data from marching cubes view through a sampling interface - pruning pass after initial generation to merge duplicate vertex data (21k verts to 3k verts in current test setup) - some vertex generation changes that would let us interpret non-boolean datasets better
50 Days Ago
switched jagged array lookup table to multidimensional, should play nicer with native code when I convert it later
50 Days Ago
re-enabled flowMovementScale on kayak
50 Days Ago
merge from main
51 Days Ago
slow and greedy starting point for marching cubes - not calculated in correct coordinate space or interactable, but can at least present the correct mesh for a given 3D dataset
52 Days Ago
kitbashed ice sculpture stub prefab setup - only diverting damage of allowed type at the moment
52 Days Ago
merge from halloween24
52 Days Ago
BC: fixing cloth flinging away with large rotation changes - changed rotation origin to use player model transform's rotation, rather than its rotation field, as it depicts body root rotation better - made collision distance thresholds tunable and brought it down on the dracula cape due to its bone density - brought the floor up on the dracula cape damping curve slightly
53 Days Ago
merge from halloween24
53 Days Ago
wearables do proper bone retargetting in the skin viewer - fixes issues with dracula cape bones not retargetting and extending the render bounds by an insane amount (appearing invisible)
54 Days Ago
merge from halloween24
54 Days Ago
reduce root motion strength on dracula cape BC assets (visually feels about the same, but less likely to explode on vehicles)
54 Days Ago
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57 Days Ago
client compile fix
57 Days Ago
merge from Halloween24