
208 Commits over 92 Days - 0.09cph!

24 Days Ago
Cherrypick cs102783 build fix
24 Days Ago
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24 Days Ago
Merge from broadphase_testing
24 Days Ago
switching to automatic box pruning
24 Days Ago
proper limits on hitch joint
24 Days Ago
merge from main
24 Days Ago
Merge from jobify_ocean_sim
24 Days Ago
overly simplified basis for hitchable entities
24 Days Ago
burst cloth constraints tell you if you mess up the min/max constraint order
25 Days Ago
replaced more expensive OverlapSphere->bool check only ridable horse was making with CheckSphere - removed Physics.OverlapSphere with bool return, we have CheckSphere for that
25 Days Ago
burst cloth handling view model scaling - requires setting a transform field on viewmodel burstcloth setups (done for frontier_hatchet)
26 Days Ago
fixed silly gc allocs coming from version Mathf.Min and Mathf.Max that take params arguments
26 Days Ago
re-use already calculated shore distance and terrain height values in water heigh calc
26 Days Ago
further improvements - replaced managed simdata with native - corrected flattened 3D array indexing - adjusted baking output to write data in native layout (rebaked)
26 Days Ago
Merge from obb_check_fixes - test framework version bump 1.1.33 -> 1.4.4
27 Days Ago
buoyancy cycle doesn't use transform autoSync and syncs once at the end
27 Days Ago
initial jobified ocean height queries - ran directly from the main thread, scheduling would be slower here due to number of queries made in different locations - using a flattened native copy of the ocean sim data that needs to replace the managed version
27 Days Ago
Merge from Entity_Query_Improvements
27 Days Ago
server compile fix
27 Days Ago
merge from hackweek_better_mountable_editor
29 Days Ago
player model preview handling mountpoint rotation
29 Days Ago
more mount position handles - position handles - fixed cache issue with removing mount positions
29 Days Ago
removed dead code
29 Days Ago
second pass on mount position scene gui - cached inactive GOs, disabled in hierarchy - animation sampled for pose only if the mount position changes - rendered with separate command buffer for more control - toggleable
29 Days Ago
first pass of drawing players in vehicle mount positions in gizmos - naive approach with some dumb allocations at the moment, going to move it to an editor next to allow better cachine
30 Days Ago
merge from main
30 Days Ago
collision damage - disabled for now - also moved test data output to editor define
30 Days Ago
adjusted surface params - static surface a bit liftier for quicker take-off - control surfaces less twitchy
30 Days Ago
yoke visualising input properly because I can't tell if the model is bad or if I'm bad at flying
31 Days Ago
Added aileron controls - arbitrary control surfaces meant this just needed to add a surface on the edge of wing with opposite rotation axes
31 Days Ago
explicit surface lift calculations replaced with processing a set of serialized surface types
31 Days Ago
plane updates - non-control surfaces use a different lift curve - adjusted curves - mouse input for pitch/roll, keys for yaw - debug csv output for surface values against different AoA - added testing scene
32 Days Ago
Fixed offset in vehicle mountable gizmos
32 Days Ago
Merge from main
32 Days Ago
Rough initial model - lift and drag calculated from arbitrary control surface definitions, needs splitting up more - still requires some fudge factors for proper lift within desirable rust speeds
33 Days Ago
cherrypick cs102120
34 Days Ago
Editor for BaseMountable that lets you edit dismount points with Handles (works for all subclasses)
34 Days Ago
fixed mount command
34 Days Ago
Initial prefab setup
34 Days Ago
Merge from ScrapPlane
37 Days Ago
fixed dangling profiler sample that would stack with following sample regions
37 Days Ago
small off by one error
37 Days Ago
added BaseEntity query that properly checks radius against the entity obbs - existing uses replaced with GetInSphereFast version that don't do the finer check
38 Days Ago
merge from main
38 Days Ago
missing Intersects2D function
38 Days Ago
merge from main
38 Days Ago
test cases for gjk distance - covers most edge cases from different features (vertex/edge/face)
38 Days Ago
fixed mistake in SquareDistance
38 Days Ago
Replaced OBB Distance and Intersection functions with accuracte implementations - GJK for distance functions, cheaper SAT for intersection - square distance function is also replaced, but it still has to run the GJK algorithm so the savings on it are marginal
40 Days Ago
Fixing some client issues with ragdolls - moved ragdoll client cycle so limb interpolation can run before player reads it - force an immediate net sync onragdolling for initial state to be in sync with ragdoll entity creation