2,543 Commits over 517 Days - 0.20cph!
Cleaned up arrow renderer system
- Bows now disable/enable their 3p arrow renderer depending on holster and magazine contents state
- Method to be able to check if a held entity is being displayed on holster (on client)
boomerang -> jungle_update
Fixed boomerang directions not responding properly to percentage complete through the throw arc
Expose settings to change return arc and time until start return arc
Remove unneeded debug logs
- List rewrite
- Added license
- Setup more IK settings in code
- Add missing IK error
- Move FastIK away from Unity update methods
- Setup profiling and our own init and update methods
Implement list pooling into FastIK
Fast IK code cleanup + namespace change
- Implement our own fork of FastIK
- Add support for inverting Resolved rotation
- Correctly implement on top of our vines
Readjusted HBHF sensor visual size
Fix deploy guide renderer NREs
- Slightly increased HBHF visuals
- Fixed weird offset detction position (only by .03 units, wasn't really affecting gameplay)
Fixed tesla coil visualisation
Try spawning range volumes on enabe rather than start - should fix issues with volume ranges breaking on relog
boomerang -> jungle_update
Fix issue detecting if boomerang has finished its curve
Allow boomerang to generate more forward momentum if its finished its curve and hasnt hit the ground yet
Fixed bows showing every arrow head on init
Visualise the trigger range of:
Flame Turret
Shotgun Trap
reduce the alpha on the zone material
Fixed issues with HBHF sensor visualisation
Added support for tesla coil
Added support for igniter
Added HBHF sensor range visualisation
Add a menu option to turn on/off drawing range volumes
Boomerang -> jungle_update
- Setup script to allow trails (or any child) to null out rotation on a specific axis
- Stopped Boomerang trail from following the x axis
Detect water hits - handle it like the other projectiles
Stop the boomerang killing itself when getting near the owner player (if they dont have anything out)
Boomerang prefab information
Boomerang -> jungle_update
- Compile errors
- Recalculate bounds
Fixed some weird sticking issues with boomerangs. Explore some sticking behaviour with entities