userJarryd Campicancel

13,600 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.21cph!

6 Months Ago
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6 Months Ago
Travelling vendor will now trigger the safe zone warning UI in the top right of the screen if a player is within 200m
6 Months Ago
Better fix for NPCVendingMachine NRE, will fix sell orders added via mods not getting dynamic pricing applied
6 Months Ago
Fix NPCVendingMachine.GetDiscountForSlot out of range exception
6 Months Ago
Fix MapMarkerCH47 NRE
6 Months Ago
Fix remaining incorrect barrel colours on small oil and S2P S2P stables_b, fixes search light facing the wrong way
6 Months Ago
Grey out the set speed option if only non-compatible clips are selected
6 Months Ago
Created Rust.TimelineTools plugin Added Set Duration and Set Speed right click options, opens up a window to batch set the speed or duration of clips Compatible with domain reloads and Undo
6 Months Ago
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6 Months Ago
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6 Months Ago
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6 Months Ago
Fixed conflicting LODGroups on hazmat youtooz figurine
6 Months Ago
Converted both water catchers from LodGroup to MeshLOD and RendererLOD Updated the LodLevelDisplay component to work with MeshLOD and display correct information when a RendererLOD is collapsed
6 Months Ago
Merge from renderlod_hlod_fixes
6 Months Ago
Fixed collapsed RendererLOD and MeshLOD objects not getting disabled properly when a HLOD mesh is rendering
6 Months Ago
Fixed bike spawn points at mining outpost, power substation, supermarket
6 Months Ago
Fixed several issues that were impacting motorbike spawns in monuments: -Fixed spawn points in junkyard, water treatment, airfield and trainyard being too close to colliders and being unable to spawn bikes -Added a gizmo to the VehicleSpawnPoint that shows the entity bounds of the vehicle being spawned and will display as red if it is intersecting colliders in the World layer, should fix the above issue in future -Fixed VehicleSpawnPoint using a static list of spawn points instead of a list per population type (this was causing pedal bikes to spawn in places motorbikes should spawn and would likely have caused issues with tugboats) S2P junkyard, water treatment, airfield and trainyard
6 Months Ago
Speculative NRE fix in MonitorLoopingGesture
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Fixed several NRE's when opening the map while in a demo and the player has placed markers
6 Months Ago
Improve csv exporter to export multiple item data streams at once
6 Months Ago
Travelling vendor is no longer globally networked
6 Months Ago
Fix cargo ship spawning extra scientists (have to turn off both variant roots)
6 Months Ago
Merge from travelling_vendor/dynamic_vendor_pricing
6 Months Ago
Calulate the running average as a double to properly capture averages for small sales amounts Don't save the previous average with the save data, we can calculate it on the fly Added a VendorPriceTester editor tool that can crunch analytics data to plot out the discount over time
6 Months Ago
Merge from main
6 Months Ago
Merge from snow_effects_roll_back_and_meshLOD_conversion
6 Months Ago
Fix walkway section using snow materials in large harbor S2P and HLOD harbor_1
6 Months Ago
Fixed incorrect pipe and barrel colours on small oil
6 Months Ago
Removed the rotation fix object on the searchlight_static prefab variants now that the mesh has been fixed and is pointing in the right direction Manually fix several instances where this object was rotated in monuments S2P sewer branch, excavator, stables B and military tunnels
6 Months Ago
S2P fishing_village_b
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Merge from travelling_vendor/dynamic_vendor_pricing
6 Months Ago
Clamp npcvendingmachine.intervalHours between 1 and 120 hours
6 Months Ago
Merge from snow_effects_roll_back_and_meshLOD_conversion
6 Months Ago
Fixed crate_tools mesh incorrect rotation
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Fixed team UI and some first person spectate NRE's while spectating a player in a demo
6 Months Ago
Lowered the explosion force multiplier on all bikes to 40 (was 400)
6 Months Ago
Allow elevators to send their request signal even if they are blocked by vehicles, this allows the elevator to at least be able to open and close the door if it is blocked by a vehicle
6 Months Ago
Merge from travelling_vendor/dynamic_vendor_pricing
6 Months Ago
Fix out of date codegen
6 Months Ago
Lowered default maximum price and starting surcharge to 200% (so double the initial price) Added total lifetime sales and intervals to printAllPriceChanges Added npcvendingmachine.PriceIncreaseAmount/PriceDecreaseAmount convar to control how quickly the price moves up and down (by default increases 10% and decreases by 5%, used to be 5% both ways)
6 Months Ago
Fix items rounding down to 0 cost if they had a 50% discount and were only 1 scrap to begin with (RIP free pickles), the minimum cost of an item will always be 1 scrap Consolidated all of the rounding and clamping to a single method in VendingMachine for easier management of issues like this
6 Months Ago
Fixed incorrect procmap spawner prefab setup
6 Months Ago
Merge from bikes/spawning
6 Months Ago
Added an extra randomisation pass when selecting a spawn point Lowered all bike default population values to 1, results in 16 motorbikes and 20 pedal bikes on a 3.5k server
6 Months Ago
S2P the above monuments
6 Months Ago
Adding motorbike spawn points: 3x in the hangars at airfield 1x on the side of the supermarket, near the pay phone 1x in satellite dishes near the shack 1x in the parking lot with the overhang in train yard 1x next to the foklift in the mining warehouse 2x underneath the two storey building at water treatment and 1x behind the restricted roller doors (water treatment already had one outside the roller doors, that remains) 5x scattered around junkyard and 2x in the car park 1x next to the concrete wall of the big power sub station No S2P's, will do that in a separate commit (scene conflicts are dangerous right now)
6 Months Ago
Rework bike and motorbike spawning Now controlled by three convars: Bike.pedalRoadsidePopulation, Bike.pedalMonumentPopulation, Bike.motorbikeMonumentPopulation Monument population convars use a new ConvarControllerSpawnPointPopulation controller that applies the same population/server size scaling but only allows spawning at specific spawn points