userJarryd Campicancel

13,600 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.21cph!

9 Months Ago
Merge from main
9 Months Ago
Disable log spam for proximity manager
9 Months Ago
Harbor_1 curve adjustments
9 Months Ago
Update harbor_2 docking points to better fit new cargo ship handling Update BasePath.GetPathProgress to work purely off the supplied position rather than an index, use dot checks to determine where in the path the position is
9 Months Ago
Fix cargo ship not restarting it's LeaveHarbor invoke on a load
9 Months Ago
Fix some parent colliders with negative scale
9 Months Ago
Hooked up three interior variants for the containers that get picked up and dropped on the cargo ship
9 Months Ago
Merge from harbor_tweaks_4_cargoship
9 Months Ago
Compile fixes
9 Months Ago
Update harbor_1 movement prefabs Add a debug visualisation to the harbor proximity manager
9 Months Ago
Subtract 94449, causes ships to get stuck when docking Hooked up the sunken crates animation on harbor_2 Angle the ship directly at the target in TriggeredEventSpawnDockingTest to reduce excessive turning
9 Months Ago
Adjusted parenting layers on swing bridge to support ragdolls, dropped items and other vehicles
9 Months Ago
Set up proximity manager for harbor 2 First pass swing bridge
9 Months Ago
Cranes reset to their starting angle after a move Cranes now adjust the height during the move if placing the container on a really high destination Setup harbor_2 cranes and container spawn points Applied new container spawn point decal art, removed placeholder white cube
9 Months Ago
Initial docking path for harbor_2
9 Months Ago
Item setup
9 Months Ago
Merge from main
9 Months Ago
Merge from harbor_tweaks_4_cargoship
9 Months Ago
Fix container doors getting deleted when moving onto cargo ship
9 Months Ago
Adjust docked cargo position for better container access
9 Months Ago
Big crane refactor Split out the existing crane into three separate classes - HarborCrane, HarborCraneContianerPickup, HarborCraneStatic Implement new variety of crane that can be preset to a specific extension/height and will eventually support parenting Add this re enabled static crane into the HarborProximityManager so it rotates out of the way when the boat passes Re-enabled the static crane on harbor_1 and converted it into this new crane type Added a 4th crane to harbor_1, this new crane can pickup and drop containers on the opposite side of the cargo ship
9 Months Ago
First pass on swing bridge functionality See Moves array on HarborProximitymanager, contains an entry for each entity to move which includes a start point, end point and a curve to control where the entity will rest between those two points based on the normalised path of the cargo ship through it's docking waypoints
9 Months Ago
Boilerplate harbor proximity manager to move objects as the cargo ship gets close
9 Months Ago
Fix container Ids Manifest
9 Months Ago
Compile fixes, player animator update
9 Months Ago
Merge from main (stomped animator changes, will need to be regenerated)
9 Months Ago
Compile fixes
9 Months Ago
Split the base off of the crane and rotate the entre entity rather than a child This allows us to parent the player to the crane platform while it rotates S2P harbor_1
9 Months Ago
Set up initial mesh colliders on the crane
9 Months Ago
Add a parent volume to the top of the container so players can stand on top of them while they move
9 Months Ago
WIP crane saving
9 Months Ago
Cargo ship crane gets started in dev scene via new dev trigger component
9 Months Ago
Don't allow talk to survivor mission objective to start until both cook and consume chicken steps are complete Cook chicken mission stage now checks for cooked chicken in the players inventory when starting in case the player cooked chicken early
9 Months Ago
Fixed missing collider on crashed helicopter
9 Months Ago
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10 Months Ago
Merge from harbor_tweaks_4_cargoship
10 Months Ago
Compile fixes
10 Months Ago
Spawn containers when the ship docks (temp) Containers don't save (temp) Added a second dynamic crane to harbor_1 so it can reach more of the ship Don't spawn containers if there is already a container there (there will probably be more save/load issues but this should stop the worst of it for initial testing)
10 Months Ago
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10 Months Ago
Merge from main
10 Months Ago
Store a static list of cargo cranes, save a Vis
10 Months Ago
Update container drop points on both cargo styles Add IsDocked flag to cargo ship and properly zero out throttle Increase docking time to 2 minutes Show a gizmo mesh on container drop points
10 Months Ago
Add tools to show possible pickup and drop points via gizmos
10 Months Ago
Fixed arm movement not getting interpolated Burst compile the line renderer jobs and make it all read only for easier scheduling
10 Months Ago
Fixed cargo ship incorrectly flagging some destinations as possible
10 Months Ago
Better arm movement Expose object rotation speed
10 Months Ago
Added a new TrasnsformLineRenderer component that takes a series of transforms and feeds the positions into an attached line renderer Needed for the crane as we need a single line renderer to connect points across multiple transform hierarchies Most processing is done in a job so should be very efficient
10 Months Ago
Add BypassClothingMountBlocks option to BaseMountable Enable on parachute, allowing the chicken costume to be worn while parachuting (despite chickens not being known for their aerobatic skills)
10 Months Ago
Fix wrong tooltip on tutorial tag in server browser Fix incorrect alignment on tutorial tag in tag list on loading screen
10 Months Ago
Pass the player ducked state to the WearableFadeToggles