userJarryd Campicancel

9,626 Commits over 1,766 Days - 0.23cph!

3 Years Ago
Fix mace not being throwable if player presses throw key while the VM is in idle (transition was too long, was skipping events)
3 Years Ago
Map clusters (sleeping bags/vending machines) ignore Y difference when clustering
3 Years Ago
▋▋▆ ▄▋▋▅▋▍▇▋▆ ▌▅█▉ █▆▅▉▆▆ █▇ ▄▍█▍▅▉▉ ▍█▉▊ ▍██▆▆
3 Years Ago
▅▌▅ ▇▇▅▋▅/▊▆▉▍▋ ▉▇▊▆▇ ▄▇▌█▍▆ ▋▍▌▄▇▅█ ▅▆ █▊▌▍▇▋▉▊█▋▊ ▍▅▆▊▆▆ ▊▄▋▇▄▊ ▍▍▉▇▆▊▌ █▌ ▇▋▇▍▉ ▋▌▊▉▋█
3 Years Ago
▄▊ █ ▉▉▊▍▅▅ ▋▉▌▄█▉ ▅▉▌▍ ▌▇█'▆ ▌██ █▊▆▍▍▄▊▇▆ ▊▊▊▄▆▉ ▇█▆▌▉▌ ▉▍▊ ▆▆▌▉▆ ▉█ ▉▅▅▆ ▇▍▅ ▌▉▆▊▆▌ ▉▌▌▋, ▆▍▄▄▄▌▉ ▌▊▉ ▋▋▆▄▅▊▆▄▉ ▌▄▅█▆█ ▇▇▅ ▇▄▅▇▇▅
3 Years Ago
▍▉▊ ▊▋▅ ▅▅▊▇▊▋ ▆█▋▊▌ ▇▌▆▌▉▊ █▄ ▌ ▄▅▅▋█▄▄▆▌█ (▆▍▇ ▄█)
3 Years Ago
█▆▍█▆ ▆▋▊█▍ ▍▍▉▌▄ ▄█▋▌▌▊ ▆█▅▍▆▅ ▉▌▍ ▅▋▊▆█ ██▆ ▅█ ▊▍▉▊
3 Years Ago
█▊▉ ▄ ▇▉▌▊▆▅█▇ ▅▌▊ ▋▉ ▉▋▅ █▋▄ █▋▍█ ▆ ▇▇▇▆▋▅ ▋▇▌ ▌▌▇▅ ██ █▅██ █ ▆▋█▄
3 Years Ago
Fix skin picker snapping to the left any time a refresh is called (only resets to the left if the blueprint changes or a skin is selected)
3 Years Ago
▊▋ ▍ ▇▅▇▍▉▉ █▍█▉▆▄ ▄▋▅ ▊▍▄▊▍ ▅▄▋ ▇▍ ▋█ ▉▊█▆▉ ▍▅▋█ ▄▆ ▋▌▉▍ ▋▍▆▊ █▇▌▄ ▆▅▄ ▌▌ ▇█▄ ▍▋▅▌ ▆▄▇ ▋▄▌▄▋▊▊▇
3 Years Ago
▅█▆▅▋█ █▄█▄ ▆▊▌▋▇ █▇ ▉▊▉▍ ▇▋▌▍▅▉, ▇█▊▆█ ▄▅▆▍▇▄ ▆█▉█▆ ██▌▉▆▉▇▆
3 Years Ago
▊▅▉▍ ▆▊▄▉▇▊█▍ ▅▆ ▊▌ ▍ ▍▊▅▋▅▉ █▌█ ▊▋▆▌ ▌▅▊ ▅▌ (▌▉▇ ▅▌▋▅▊▇ ▍▍▆▆█▅▅ ▍▊▌▋ █▉▅▄▌▍▇▇█▌▇ ▆▄▇▋ ▆ ▉▌▋▇▉) █▆▉▍ ▆█▆▄▋▌ ▉▋▇▇▇ █▆ ▇▍█▌▆▉ ▊▊▆▌▊▌ ▉▅▌█ ▅▍▇▊▅▉▉ ▄▇▋▍▋█▊▍ █▌ ▇█ ▌▍▋▆▊▍▆ ▄▉▊ ▅▆▊ ▊▇▅█ (▍▌ ▅▋▇█ ▉█ ▉▌▆ ▉▌▆▄▆▋ ▄██▋ ▊▋▍▉▍) ▇▅█▇ ▅▅▉▉▉▄▆▋'█ ▉▆▋▅▄ ▄█▋█▅ ▍▍▉▌ ▋▊▆ ▅▅▅█ ▄▇ ▄▆▊▄
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
▉▍▋▅█▅ ▆▉▌ ▆▉▋ █▅▌▇▆█ ▉▉▆▅▍▄█ ▌▆ ▆ ▅▊▇▅▄ ▄█ ▋▆▊█▊▊▄▇▍ ▌█▌ ▅▄▊ ▊▅▋▄▍▇ ▄▋▊'▉ ▍▍█▅▌█▋▇▊ ▅▅ ▊ ▄▍▍▅
3 Years Ago
█▇▇ ▊▉▇ ▇▉▊█▄▆ ▄▅█▄ █▆█▌ ▍ ▊▉▇▆▊ █▍ ▉▄▊▉▆▄▋▊▉
3 Years Ago
▌▍▍ ▊▇▄ ▄▄▍▊ ▇▇▊▉▍ ▍▇▅ ▇▌▇█▋▊ ▌▇ ▅ ▌▅▄▋ ▆▆ ▌▄ ██▌▆▊▆▅▇ ▅▅▆ ▉▄▇ ▋▌▄▊▉ ▉█ ▆▆▌▍▌▅▌▍▌
3 Years Ago
▇▄▌▍▍▇▋▉ ▊▉▅▍▉▍ ▌▄▄ ▆▆▋▍▋▆ ▉▉█▊ ▄▇▊▊ █▍▌▍▆▍▌▋▍▍ ▆▊▋ ▉▊█▍▄▇
3 Years Ago
▉▄▄▋ ▊▊███▍▅█ ▆▆▄ ▌▋▅▇▉▇ ▇█▊▅▉ ▇▍ ▍▆ ▅▉▇▍▅▌▋▊ ▌▊▌▌ ▆ ▍▊▋▍█▋▌ ▉▇▋▄ ▅▅▊ ▇▉ ▄▆▉▉▅▌ ▊▅▆ ▅▆ ▄▅▆▋▊▉
3 Years Ago
▊▊▌▄▍▇ █▅▅▉█ ▅▍▋▊█ █▉ ▊▍'▉ ▅▇▊ ▇▍█
3 Years Ago
▊▄█▉▄▊ ▉▅ ▌▌▍▉▉ ▋▆▅▊▆▊▅, ▆▊▄ ▍▅▊▋ ▅▌▄▌ ▊▇▉▇ ▆▊▄ ▅▌▇▉▊▆ ▌█ ▋▋▋▌▇▍
3 Years Ago
▊█▄▅▅▌ ▊▅▊▄█ ▄▆ ▊▌ ▍▋▄▉█ ▄▅▋▆▍▇
3 Years Ago
Revert SetFlag change, just compare oldflags and newflags
3 Years Ago
Only send one network update a frame on MotorRowboat (could still happen 2-3 times with last change)
3 Years Ago
SetFlag now returns whether the flag was actually set Don't send network update in FixedUpdate on MotorRowboats if no flags were actually set (should save a bunch of network updates a frame)
3 Years Ago
Move life story category updates (for rich presence) into a budgeted update
3 Years Ago
Move flame turret position check to happen before building privilege check since that check is so expensive
3 Years Ago
▌▍▄▄▄ ▍▋▄▋▉▉ ▉▆ ▄▌▍▅ ███▇▉▅ ▆▄▍ ▆▇▆▄▊ ▄▇▉▋ ▋▋▅▄▆▇
3 Years Ago
▆▊▇▌▉ ▄▇▉▊ ▆▋ ▋▉▉▅▇▋▌ ▇▄▆▇▄ ▍▍▆█ ▋▍▆▆▌▍▉ ▇▊▌ ▉▌▋▉█▅ (▌▅▇██▊▌, ▊▉▍▊▋▍▊ █▌, ▆▊▊)
3 Years Ago
▊▅▍▋▇ ▋▅ ▄▍▇▅▌▄▍▊ ▆▊▋▆▅▉▄▅▅█▄ ▅▊▉▆█▉ ▍▇▊█ ▋▄▄▌▋▄▇ ▆▉ ▍ ▋▇▅▆▅▆ ▇▊▋▉▄ ▋▆▆▉ ██▋▍ ▉▍ ▋▇▆█▉▊▇ ▇▉ ▋▍▊. ▉▇▋█▇▅▅▅▆ ▊▄█▄▋▋▆▆ ▊ ▉▇▍▄
3 Years Ago
Removed side padding of scrollable area in skin picker UI (crafting and repair bench) If skin options don't require scrolling add some padding to centre them in the view Snap scroll view to the left when opening a skin picker or changing skin (works better now that we're sorting them by recently used)
3 Years Ago
▍▉▊'▌ ▆▌▄▉▌ ▄█▌ ▍▆▇▊ ▌▅ ▍▊▇▌▊▄▊▆▇▄▄▍ ▄▅▇▅█▄▆ ▍█▋▌ ▉▅▆ ▋▄▋▆▆▄▄ ▆▋▌ ▍▄ ▌▉▆▍█▄ █▍▍ ▇▉ ▋▋▆▇▌▊ ▆▋▌▋█ ▆▉▉▅ ▌▄▍▌▇▉▆▇▅ ▋▋ ▉▆▌▅▆▆█▉ ▍█ ▍▋▅▉▉ ▄▄▇█▇▊ ▇▇▆▇▄▅▍ >▄▉
3 Years Ago
Move server side flame turret update to a budgeted update
3 Years Ago
▆▄▉▉▇ ▉▇▍▇▉ ███▊ ▆▉ ▉▆▉▅▇ ▌▋▉█▆ ▌▆█ ▆▉
3 Years Ago
▋▋▌ ▇▌▊▌█ ▅▅▊▊ ▋▅ ▉▌▅▊▉ ▋▆ ▊▉▅ ▇▉▍▉▅█▅ ▍▊▌ ▊▋▉▅▆▄ ▇▉▆ ▅▆█▇▇▍ ▌▋▌▉▌▅▅ ▅▋▄▇▋▆ ▆▋ ▄▋▄▍ ▉▌▇▍█ █▇▊▇ ▇▌▌ ▆▉
3 Years Ago
▊▉▄█▄▅▄█▋▊▋▉▄▄▋▇█▅█▅▊▊▌▋▍▍ ▉▅▄▆ ▊▌▄▋▆▉ ▆█▉▌ ▇█ ▍ ▊▅▍▍▇▉ ▇▇ ▄▊▄▇▄▊▇▉▄ ▊▍ ▇█▄ ▌▉▇▌ (▆▅▄▊▊▌▆ ▊▅▉▍▄▆▉ ▋▍ ▉▆▍▇▆▌▍▌█▅▇▅▉▊) - ▆█▊█▇ ▆▆ █▄▅ ▄▇▉▋▊▄██▊ ▉█▊▉▍ ▊▇▅▅▅█▉ ▅▅█▆
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
█▊▄▇▉█/▊▇█▍▇▋ ▅▌▋▅▆▍▅ ▆▇▆▅▆
3 Years Ago
▍▇▇▅ ▄▉▅▌ ▇▊ ▊▍█▇▄▉ ▌▇▅▍▆ ▍▄▍▌ ▍▄▆▄ ▇▊▍▊█ ▇▄▅▍▊▉ ▌▇ ▊█▇ ▆▆/▅▉▌▄ ▅▊▋▅▍▇ █▆ ▅█▌▌▍▄ ▊▇▄▍▍ ▇▍▊▉▄▌
3 Years Ago
█▄▊▍▊▊▋ ▇▆▆▍▆ ▋▌▇▌█▋▅▉
3 Years Ago
▋▉▅▌▇ ▇█▌▉█▆▇ ▇▆▌ ▋ ▇▊▍▉██▍ ▌▆▄▌▉ ▇▉▇▇▅, ▆▆▌ ▅▌▊▅▆▋▆ ▋▆▍▆▄▍ ▅▇█ ▆▉▍▆ ▉▇▊▇ █▌█▄▄ (▌▅ ▄▍▄▊█▍▋▇ ▋▆ ▆▊ ▆▌▌ ▊▆ ▆▍▄▊▇▍▆) ▌▆ ▇▋ ▇▆▆▋▇▌▅▄▌▉▌██▆ ▅▄▇
3 Years Ago
▉▆▋▇ ▉▋▋▇▆▉█ ▍▆▄ ▇▍▊▍▄▄ ▋▍▄▉▌ ▉▌▌▋▇█▅▅▇▄▆▅▍▊ ▆█ ▍▆▌▋▅▆███▆▊▌█▌▊▆▅▉▄▍▍ ▊▌ ▄▆▌▌▍▄▋ ▊▆▋▊▋▊ ▆▌▊▆▇ ▇▆ ▄▌
3 Years Ago
█▊▇▍▊ ▍▌▇▄▋▍█ ▍▍▍ ▊▋▋▍▆ ▉█▋▌▊ ▆▄▊▅▋▋▊ ▇▇▇▆▉
3 Years Ago
▍▇▊▋ ▆▄█▌ ▌▇▆▊ ▆█▆▄▇▄▍ ▌▇▅▉▉ ▉▊▆ ▄▌▍▇▇, ▍▇▄ ▅▊▍▅▉ ▄▅▉█▅ ▉▆█▆▄▍▆ ▊▌▆▋▌. ▄▆▊ ▌█▍▍▄▌▋ ▌█▄▇ ▇▍▇▋▆ ▊ ▄▇▄ ▇▋▌▌ ▄▄▊▄▄▆▇ ▊▋▉▋▊ ▆▉█▇▌▇▍ ▅▋▉▇, ▇▄▄ ▅▋ ▋▆▆▄▉▅▍
3 Years Ago
▌▆▌'▍ █▊▊▌█ ▍▆ ▉█ ▇█▉▊▊ ▌▇▌▅▌▅ ▅▄▋'▉ ▋▋▌▇▇▆▊▍▇▆█▇▄ (▄▆▄▄ ▄▍▇ ▌▉██▋▄ █▊ ▇▊▋ ▇▌▅▄▊▄▍▆▆▋█▅█ ▅▉ ▆▋▍▌ ▄▅▅█)
3 Years Ago
▌▊██▉ ▌▋▌▅▅▌ ▍▄▇▄▆▌▇ ▋▉▉▊▉ █▍▋ ▄▇▆▅▅ ▋█▅▍▍▋▌▅▅ ██▄▋▄▆▆ ▇▊ ▆▆▉▇▊▄, ▅▄▍▉▋▋█▉▄ ▄▄█▍ █▅▉▍▆ ▉▄▄ ▊▋█▋▉▋ ▊▍▌▉'█ ▌▄▌ ▌▋▇ ▇█▄▍▄
3 Years Ago
▋▄▄▄▊▅ ▌▌▍ █▇▇ ▋▇ ▊▄▍ ▅▋▋▇▆▆ ▋▋█▇▄ ▊▉█▆ ▊▅▆▌▄▉▋ ▄▍ ▍▍▉▍█▉▇ █▄ ▄▊▌ ▅▊▉▌▆ ▆▅▋▋▅▇ ▄▄▊▉▄▌
3 Years Ago
▅▉▉▍▇▋ ▊▆▆▊ ▊█▆▋▅▍ ▌▄▉▌ ▊▍▇▄▆▆▄▍▆█▉, ▍▊▍'█ ▊▍▄▍▆▅ ▉▄▄▇▄ ▌▆ ▍▇██▆ ▅▊▅▆▉
3 Years Ago
▊▆▌▋▍▌ ▅ ▋▅▆ ▍▋▉▅ █▆ ██▉ █▉▋▆▊ ▅▊ ▅▇▄ ▊▆▊▆▍ ▅▉ ▄█▋▊▇▆ █▌▋ ▆▉ ▆▌▆ ▇▍█▍█
3 Years Ago
▋▅▆▊▋ ▊▅▋█ ▆▍▄██ ▌▉ █▌▉▋ ██ ▋▇ (█▅▉▌▉▄ ▅ ▊▍▄▌▍▊, ▉▆▄) ▅▋▋ ▉▋▋▉▊▅▆▌▌▌▆▌▇▇ ▌▆▉ ▅▇ ▆▇▄▆▄█▉▍▍▍ ▊█▉▋ ▊▅ ▊▋▉ ▌▊▇▅▇▋
3 Years Ago
▌▅▇ ▄▄▋▉▅▇▍▇ ▋▋▉▍▍▇▇ ▄▅▆▆ ▍█▋ ▆▍ ▆▌▇▌▅▅ ▉▍▅ (▉▍▇ █▅)