116,328 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Fixed animal sense properties.
Added long-sleeved t shirt model, textures, and prefabs
Updated mid-level jacket to work better with underlying layers
AISense once again uses structs.
Loading screen redux
Don't spam commands into the console when loading config file
NPCAI now uses Decision.State.
PrefabPreProcess only process prefabs (in editor)
More UI progress
Set up AI decision curves.
Merged changes from main.
Added decision states to AI prefab.
adjusted some preventBuilding radiuses
updated sleepingbag model
Fixed a bug where new animals would immediately starve to death.
Increased terrain resolution (4x)
Added proper segmentation to heightmap generation
Added dunes to heightmap generation
Increased forest density, frequency and size
Increased valid noise seeding range
Optimized checksum generation
Fixed the riduclous amounts of shininess on the chickens. They no longer look like they came out of a Lady Gaga video.
redid all of the animals' mecanim state machine. They transition to/from each state much smoother now (no more snapping from sleep --> awake)
First version of custom environment Standard shader with CryEngine-style "Blend Layer" support
Refactored how GameManager works (to remove Realm usage)
Fix lit torch attack not playing strike effect
Updated torch vm anims, changes to anim controller
Changed torch animator so both lit & unlit states work on one layer
Simplified Scene2Prefab to reference GameObjects instead of pathnames
Can have multiple Scene2Prefab's per scene
Scene2Prefab's don't have to be root objects
Translate initializes automatically on first use
Added Transform.GetSiblings<T>()
Server browser WIP
Added LocalizeText component (for localizing a UI.Text)
Mixing terrain splat normals with base terrain normals for more pronounced and detailed hill lighting
Fixed new issue of not being able to hit objects with torch when lit
Re-enabled threading in-editor
More detailed checksum mismatch logging
Made noise library use native implementation if possible, otherwise use managed fallback
Fixed terrain atlas set not saving slots
Fixed terrain atlas generator not forcing read/write texture import settings
Updated ProfileProceduralMap
Forced alphabetical order when spawning decor types
Protocol++ (network + save)
Converted TerrainTreeBatch to the new fast getter and setter in b20
Made clientside tree placeholders move when their owner entity is moved (fixes trees at origin, invisible trees)
Applied adjustments to the spawn handler object in the procedural map scene to the spawn handler prefab
Fixed how AI decisions calculate target intensity.
Started refactoring AI decisions.
tired / angry state animations for the wolf idle/walk/run
added flinch animations for the wolf.
Change torch attack sound when lit
Switched noise generation to managed backend (debugging)
Missing changes from ak74u first pass
Adjust waterpipe shotgun attack volume
Modified melee ranges to be shorter (and spear to be slightly longer)
Increased melee cone for spears again, decreased melee cone for rocks
fixed key lock status not showing
key lock is default blueprint
Fixed errors in PlayerModel scene
First pass at ak74u sounds
fixed player not moving his feet when taking really quick short steps.
Disabled world checksum kick, logging instead