120 Commits over 1,919 Days - 0.00cph!
Merge from modding_prefabs
Merge from modding_prefabs
Merge from modding_prefabs
Merge from cinematic_gestures
Merge from modding_prefabs
Merge from cinematic_gestures
▄▅▋▉▉▇▇ ▊▉▋/▉▆▉▄▄▆▉▇▍ ▅▍▍▇▌
Merge from static_props_03
Replaced all menu background videos with VP8 versions.
Removed old poses directory
84867 (Editor only) - 'Add Parent GameObject' update
Added scene loader script - top menu to quickly load specific editor scene files
▍▉▉▌▊▅▅ ▋▌▄▆█▆ ▆▄▉▇▄▅ ▋█▋▉▌▍
▇▄▆▊▆ ▆▆▍▍▉▆ ▉▇▉▇▄▊ ▊▌▉▆▋▌▇
Updated ingore config to include full path to midi binds config
Removed unused high res media textures
cave_entrance_c .meta file
Locomotive + Industrial menu background videos
Interaction sounds for santa present airdrop
Fixed santa sleigh reindeers not animating
Updated Ice Throne deploy effect + collider phys materials to better match the item
Added 'A-pose' clip to cinematic controller
Added icon for simplelight (admin item)
Added individual icons for NPC wearable items (scientist, peacekeeper, arctic scientist, heavy scientist, bandit guard, dweller jump suits + gas mask)
Fixed icon sharpening issues with a few wearable items
Merge from modding_prefabs
Added missing interaction sound to ration box
Merge from modding_prefabs
Added media directory and playblast timeline asset
Merge from modding_prefabs
Reverted greybox playground scene
Added avatar overrides to some states in cinematic animation controller
Merge from avatar_switcher