
7,573 Commits over 3,623 Days - 0.09cph!

5 Months Ago
Legacy furnace enabled state overhaul Legacy furnace texture size optimization.
5 Months Ago
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5 Months Ago
Blank radial added to Main Camera Base for smooth lerping. Explosion post changes. Scene.
5 Months Ago
Post params
5 Months Ago
ExplosionsOverlay WIP (still bugs)
5 Months Ago
Iterations & fixes
5 Months Ago
ExplosionsOverlay stuff
5 Months Ago
L/M/S prefabs.
5 Months Ago
Fixed regression issues
5 Months Ago
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5 Months Ago
Scene cleanup & org.
5 Months Ago
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5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
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5 Months Ago
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5 Months Ago
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5 Months Ago
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5 Months Ago
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5 Months Ago
Testing milder screen post processing variants for Cold, Hot, Hurt, Radiation & arctic biome.
6 Months Ago
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6 Months Ago
Explosion post process
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Radial PostFX & ExplosionScreenBounceFade
6 Months Ago
New explosions
6 Months Ago
Fixed chopper fire distance issues Fixed some autospawn floaters Ores use respawners instead of being one-shot Lighthouse collides Rebaked terrain
6 Months Ago
HelpModal & HelpModal.Widget like the Figma mockup.
6 Months Ago
Fixed torch holder lighting being all offset and wrong.
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Fixed small spec issue on the portraits. Better tinting on poster 4.
6 Months Ago
Poster 2, 3, 4 layout tweaks Mat for 4.
6 Months Ago
Mask tweak for contrast on poster 2 and 3
6 Months Ago
Bespoke material for each poster photo variant, for better blending and contrast
6 Months Ago
Polaroid poster setup
6 Months Ago
+-5% size on the different variants. Looks better in a group vs them all taking up the exact same square space
6 Months Ago
Playername fix on poster2
6 Months Ago
Poster post tweaks
6 Months Ago
Scaled all wanted posters up 25%
6 Months Ago
Changed player_preview to facilitate two different post profiles for wanted posters. (Polaroid & sepia) Renamed some stuff to facilitate it.
6 Months Ago
Layouts for poster2 and 3. SketchOverlay mask changes.
6 Months Ago
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6 Months Ago
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6 Months Ago
Poster photo post profile.
6 Months Ago
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6 Months Ago
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6 Months Ago
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6 Months Ago
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6 Months Ago
Reworked the train signal lights and lighting.
6 Months Ago
999 more bakes to fix various vertex precision problem areas