1,137 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.01cph!
Updated Electric Furnce mesh so IO point is on the side of furnace rather than the back.
adding AssetFolder.cs to main
added a third version of the gun rack material, an inbetween of A and B
- added textures and material
- shares normals from B
added AssetFolders.cs script
- automates the creation of an Asset folder structure for consistency
- Folders created: Effects / Materials / Model (with subfolder named Textures) / Sound
Right-click in desired location -> Create -> AssetFolders
BurlapSack Xmas
- simple xmas material for the burlap sack
- textures and materials
ice throne collision mesh
- updated prefab
ICE_T model and prefab
-textures and materials
- LODs and Gibs
Added pipe wrench tool for industrial pipes
- added viewmodel and prefab
- added world model w/ lods and prefab
- material and textures
v2 pipe trim texture sheet
added pipe rim trim to the pipe trim texture sheet
updated pipe textures
first iteration of the coloured pipe textures
added industrial combiner
- LODs and GIBs
- Materials and textures
Updated deploy predab
improved textures for the wood version of gun rack
adjusted the offset to the arrow graffiti mesh on the caboose
Added electric furnace gibs
Update to industrial conveyor module mesh
- fixed holes in mesh (where pipes would cover but would be exposed without pipes)
- updated LODs (gibs were already fixed)
updated industrial crafter module
- split lights off to their own uv to control progress bar
- updated lods
- updated prefab
- added textures and materials for the lights
(this may change if/when we get a fix for the standard shader uv1 offset settings)
set texture import resolution for crafter texture properly
Splitter fbx file that got missed out for some reason
Added LODs to all modules
Added GIBs to all modules
- updated prefabs with LOD'd meshes
Moved meshes into appropriate folders
zeroed transforms on 3 industrial assets
- sorry jarryd, i swear it doesn't always happen.
Added Adapter Mesh
- override old mesh
- moved mesh to 'Models' folder
- Added LODs
Added materials and textures
Updated deploy prefab
added industrial crafter model and lods
- pipe entry points are slightly longer to coincide with concept.
Added textures and materials
Updated prefab with new mesh
- removed old temp mesh
Updated industrial splitter mesh
- fixed shader issues
Added textures and setup material
Replaced current splitter mesh with new mesh in prefab.
- updated prefab (Jarryd will have to go through this)
Added new version of the splitter model
+ LODs
Just need to texture it now.
updated broken bogies mesh and LODs to fit a little more nicely onto the tracks.
Add busted bogies mesh and LODs
added ao variant to prevent random looking black spots (where it was previously covered over)
added broken rusted bogies for caboose
added staticcaboose.entity prefab variant
added materials and textures for the new broken bogies
reduced the size of existing bogie textures
Hackweek - Weapon attachment module refresh
Muzzle Break, Muzzle Boost, and Silencer model and textures. Single material - just have to fix scaling as current items have odd scaling
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industrial pipe work source
industrial adapter test mesh
industrial crafter test mesh
▊▅▇▆▉▅█▉█ ▌▉ ▄▄▆▍▆▍▋▋▋ ▉▌▌ ▅▉█▋▉▅ - ▌▊▋ ▋▉█ ▋▇▇ ▄█ ▆▄▆ ▄▊▉▊▌▍▄▊
- ▇▇▆▅▋ ▇▅▋▅█▍▇▉ ▆▋▆█▌▆▍
-▊▊▇█▉▊▋ ▉▍▋▍▉_▅ ▆▇███▋█▅ (▉▌▍ ▇▊▋▌▌▇▆▄ ▋▄▄▊ ▍▌▉▅▊ ▉▌ ▇▉▇▆▇▌! )
- industrial conveyor mesh
- industrial splitter mesh
entry points fits nicely with the currently pipe radius.
added windows + double sided material variation
updated prefab
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various source files for audio equipment
scientist suit alternate material for NVGM source
fixed issue with baseball bat
- wrong shader & wrong shader settings.
.mat file mustn't have been committed originally
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- ▄▄▄█▅ ▉▊▋▌▍▉▌▉▆ ▋▅▍▆▅▆ ▉▊▋▋▄█ ▇██▆▍ ▇▍▆▄▆▄▉
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