
2,828 Commits over 2,041 Days - 0.06cph!

4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Client+server now boots up in editor
4 Years Ago
Server now compiles, kind of
4 Years Ago
▅▊█▆▋ ▆▆█▌▉,▇▋▄'▌ ██▅ █▉▌█▊▄▆ ▌▍ ▇▌▇...
4 Years Ago
▊█▋▄ ▆▇▌▍▋▅ ▉▍█▇ ▋▋▊▌▉, █▆█, ▌▍▋▇█▆▄▇, ▇▌▉...
4 Years Ago
▉▌▇▊▇▉ ▍▍▉█ ▅█▄ ▆▇▉▌
4 Years Ago
▇█▋▍ ▋▊▇▍▉█▆▅▉▅▋ ▉█▊ ▆▉▍▍▅█ ▌▌▌▄ ▆▇▊▅▉
4 Years Ago
▆▅▅▆ ▅▊▋▌▉▉▇▍ ▄▍▅▉▅, ▊▄█▌▍▌▊▄ ▋ ▍▄▄ ▌▋▄▆▅▉▅ ▌▉'▉▋ ▋▄▅▊▌▇▆▊█▋▇▅▅ ▇▌▆ ▆▉▆█ ▊▋▌▊ ▌▆▊ ▌▇▄▊▊▅
4 Years Ago
▊▄█▅▇▊▄▌▉ ▊▊▆▉█...
4 Years Ago
▊█▄▊.█▌▅▌▇▍▅▊ ▅█▍▆▆▉▇▇█▊█
4 Years Ago
█▋▌▇▋▊ █▌▉▋.▋▍_▄▇▋▉/▊▌▅▄▊ ▅█ █▌ ▅█▆▆▄▍▊█▇█ ▋▇▋▄ ▉▆▅ ▌▍▍ ▅▇▅ ▇▉▊ ▋▌▌█▇▆▇▉▉▅▅▉ █▌▅▉▊▍
4 Years Ago
▇▍▆▆▊▊▊ ▆▋▉█▉ ▆▇▄▆
4 Years Ago
▇▋█▇ ▌▅▌▆ ▆▄███▇▆▋ ▅▇ ▅▄▊▋▋▆▉▍▍▋▉ ▊▆▌▆█
4 Years Ago
▊▉▌█ ▆▊▆▅▌▋▌▉ ▆▋ ▊▆▇▍▇▅▍▌▄█▋ ▌▍█▋ ▅▌▉▄▋...
4 Years Ago
▌▇▆▇▄ █▆▄▅ + ▋▌▌▄▍▄ ██▇
4 Years Ago
Adjust turret lerping so it isn't framerate dependent (will need testing on staging)
4 Years Ago
Fix RF transmitter frequency sometimes not showing up on the item icon
4 Years Ago
Move heavy helmet overlay above the scope overlay
4 Years Ago
Fix drink icon on water catcher panel being under the item icon Also disable moving on the item icon because it's water
4 Years Ago
Aperture/blur control
4 Years Ago
Enable mipmaps on new icons Add control help UI to the camera overlay Refactor zoom to be stepped instead of mouse controlled
4 Years Ago
Add zoom factor and photo counter to the instant camera UI
4 Years Ago
Merge from toast
4 Years Ago
Fix toasts not resizing to fit their contents
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Merge from bind_cycle
4 Years Ago
Add help text
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Update HarmonyLoader to auto-create the HarmonyMods folder and load dependencies from it
4 Years Ago
Don't skip hidden items when exporting for Rust+
4 Years Ago
cherry pick 52924 and 52929
4 Years Ago
Run the model import analyzer
4 Years Ago
Initial implementation of model import analyzer
4 Years Ago
Fix the player preview going nude whenever you take a photo (if censorship isn't "underwear")
4 Years Ago
▉▆▌▇▊ ▌▍ ▅▅▅▅ ▆▉▄▄ ▄▇▉▇▄█▌▌ (▄▆▍▍▇▇▇▄▄ █▄▅ ▄▌▉▌█▄ ▅▉▆) ▉▇▊ ▊▍▍▋▇▊ ▍▄▋▇ ▋▅▋▌▉▋▋▅▅▋█▌▍ ▅▌▋▌ ▍▇▆ ▊▉▌▇▇▇
4 Years Ago
Hide the whiteout overlay when holdering the instant camera (fixes a rare edge case where the screen could get stuck white)
4 Years Ago
Fix landscape and large photo frames disappearing when trying to paint them with occlusion culling enabled Fix clearing then saving signs/frames not doing anything
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Camera overlay asset update so they scale a bit nicer
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Add a bit of UI for the instant camera
4 Years Ago
Set photo frame area and gibs meshes to readable
4 Years Ago
WIP model import analyzer
4 Years Ago
▉▅▇ ▇▍█▆▉ ▆▇ ▌▅▊▊▆ ▍█▍▌█▋▋▌▇█▄ ▄▋ ▊█▅ ▇▅▅▉█▋▉▄▅ ▍▌▍▋▍▌ ▌▋▆█▆▋█▍▆▋▆▍ ▌▌██▍▋▆█▍█ ▅▌▅▌ ▌▊█▍▌▄█ ▊▆▆ ▉▅▆▇▍▆▍ ▋▅▋ ▊▅▋-▉▌ ▅██▍▇▊ █▆▇▍ ▋▉▇▍ ▅ ▉▆▊▅▍▌▉ ▍▉ ▊▉▇▊█ ▆▊▌ ▍▄▊▊▍▊▌ ▊▄▌▍▇▅▋▊▋▍ ▅▇█▊▉▄, ▊▉▍ ▆ ▋▆▋▋▅▆▌ ▉▆ ▆▉▊▊▌ █▌▍ ▊▉▇▍▍▉▋ ▆▌ ▅▆ █▍▄▄▍█
4 Years Ago
Run the audio analyzer
4 Years Ago
Audio analyzer fixes
4 Years Ago
Refactor the import analyzers to share a common base class
4 Years Ago
Ran the texture import analyzer on everything (saves ~600MB of RAM maybe)
4 Years Ago
Texture analyzer to disable crunch compression
4 Years Ago
Add a Texture Import Analyzer editor tool Bring over the Audio Import Analyzer tool too