2,828 Commits over 2,041 Days - 0.06cph!
▉▍▆▍▊█▋▆▌▉ ▇▋▄▅▌▆ ▄▆▌'█ ▆▇▇▌▋▆ ▅▅▆▋▅▌▍▉ ▄▌▌▆▄▅▉▅ ▍▊▍▇▆▆▉ ▅█'▋ ▄▋▋▆▊▇▆ █▆▉ ▍▅▇█ ▌█▅▄█▌ ▆▋▍▄▇▊▍▇
▍▉▋ ▌ █▄▉▊▅▊ ▊▌▉▉▇▅▍▅▋▉▊ ▄█▄▆ ▄▌▄▍▊ ▇▉▍█▆▉▊▌▅▇ ▋▌▄ ▄▆▍▉▅ ▄█ ▌██▋▋▌ (▄▊▊█▅█▋▉▇ ▄▍▅▆▋█ ▅▍█▌▌ ▄█▋▆█▊▄█▌▌ ▅▅▊▇▉▄)
Fix HostileNote stomping the unhostile time right after receiving the latest value after respawning
Add a way to cycle through bind commands instead of always running all (prefix the command list with a ~)
Fix scope overlay changing size with uiscale
▄▄▊█▍▍▆ "▄▇█▆▋ ▆▋▆▌▉▅ ▄▅▆▊▌▄▄█▊▄" ▉▍ ▄▍▉▌ ▆▌ ▉▍ █▉▇▆▄▍ ▄█▅'▅ ▌▅▉▄ \▊ ▍▅ █▆▉ ██▇▆▉█▇▆▅█
Switch PlayerOpenLoot to use translated toasts instead of English-only chat messages
Adding stuff to show toasts with gametip's UI
Fix typo (banit -> bandit)
Fix the notes UI only working with Latin characters (it'll fallback to another font which does support those characters)
Switch one frame to Tom's new model
Fix NRE for entities which do not have a network group
Fix UICompass using the wrong material after toggling active
Fix skipping a light when one is removed
▆▊▊ ▇█▆█▋▊ ▋▄▄▋█▄▍▋ ▅▅▉ ▉▊ ▇▊▌ ▉▍▆▌▍▇ ▄▋█▌ ▉▉▋█ ▌▉▆██▅▆▊▌ ▋▉ █▋▊▌
▉▊▄██▊ ▊▅▇▍ █▆ ▋▌▇'▄ ▆▉▌▋▋▅▊ ▌▌▋▅▊▋ ▍█▊▆▅
▍▍▇ ▊▄▍█▄▆▊▍ █▌ ▇▉▌▅▊ ▌▅▍▍▅▍▊▅ ▉▋▇▇ ▅▅█▇▅▄ ▄▉ ▄▍▉▉▍▇ (▆▅▅▌▉▄▍▇▌ █▌▍▋▇▄ - ▌█ ▋▊ ▌▉▌ ▄▉▅█ ▌▊▊▌▉▇▄▌ ▊█ ▄▊▅ ▆▇▋▇▄)
▌▋▉▌▆▉▊▄ ▋▆▄▇▅▆ ▋▇█ ▆▊▉█▍ ▉▉▆▉▄ ▆▆▄▊▅▌▆▌▍▋ ▋▇▊██▊▌▅ (▊▋▋▅▉█ ▉▍▊▄▌▆▍▉▊ █▇ ▋▊▉▍▉▌)
▊▄▇ ▉ ▉▆▄▍▍▄▊▊ ▍▅▉ ▊▍█▉▆▊▉██ ▊▋▍▉▉▆█▉█ ▄▋ ▊▋▊ ▆▆▌▋▅ ▆▄▇▋▊
▊▋▋▌▉▇▌▅▉ ▌▌▋▇ ██▋ ▉▄▆▍█▍ ▌▆▅▆▇▌ ▇▆█▆▄▆ ▍▌▉ ▉▍▄▆▉ ▅▌ ▌▉▌█ ▇█▊▍ ▅ ▌▆▊▌█▊▆▄▄ ▌▆█▊▋▅ █▊▆▍▅
▊▉▅▋▋▄▇ ▍▆▄ ▋▋▇▆▇▌ ▊▍ ▆██ ▆▋▇, ▅▅▇▄▌ ▆██▍▍▊▊ ▊▇█▅▉▄▌ ▍▋▌ ▄▍▅▊█▅ ▅▄▊ █▌▋▉▉ (▊▇▄, ▄▉▇▌, █▉ ▋▆▆▉▅▌)
█▇▋▊ ▆▄ ▇▍▅ ▌▇▆▍▆▆▌▌▋▌█ ▆▍ ▌██▄▊▇
██▅▉▍▅▅▄ ▄▅▇▉ ▇▇▌▆▆ ▄▍▅▇▌▇
▇█▇▋█ ▌▅▌ ▉▌█▌▋▍ ▉▅▋▆▍ ▄▊▋▇▉▋ ▅ ▇█▍▍▇
▌▅▊▉▍▍▊ ▇█▉ ▊▄▄█▌▉ ▇▊▌▊ █▉▅▅▊▉ █▋▋▅▍█
▆▌▍▆▉▄▆▌▇▅ ▍▆▇▍▅▌▌▄▌▆ ▇▆ ▄▌▉ ▌▊▅ █▇▉▅▉▉
▉▊▇ ▍▉ █▆▇▍▄▌▊▌▅ █▄▆▆ ▉▍▍▉▅▍ █▋▅▇▇█ (▉▆▄ ▆▆█▆ ▍▋ ▋▌▉█▍▉▄▌ ▉█▄▆▍ ▉▉▆)
██▉▄▋▍ ▉▇█▊▌ ▉▄▅▊▉ ▉▋██▇▊█▉▄ ▆▋▌▆▆▄
▆█▅ ▌ ▇▍▆▅▉▋▇▅ ██▉▉█▄▉ ▌▅▊▋█▌ ▍▍▄▉▆▊
█▌▅ ▊▌▆▊▇▆ ▌█▄▊▄▆ ▆▋▉▇▊▅ (▅▅ ▌▌▍, ▍▊▋▊▇▋ ▊▄▅▆▇▌ ▋▇▆▌)
▄▉▉▌▋█▉▇ ▍▆▅▍▇ ▋▊▄▅▇▍▊ ▋▋▄▉▅▇▉ █▋ ▅▊ ▍█▊ ▌█ █▉▊▅ █▌ ▊▆▌▍▋ ▅▅▍█▅
▄▊█ ▆ █▍▊▇▍ ▄▉▌▉▅ ▉▊▌▆▊▉ ▊▋▆▌▄ ▌▋▅▊▇▇▌▊ █▌▌ ▆▉▍█▌ ▇▅▇▆ ▌▊▋█▄▇ ▍▆▌█▇▇ ▉▆
Add meta.if_true and meta.if_false so you can make binds do different things for presses and releases
▄█▄ ▍▇▊█▋▍▆ ▆▆▊▌▅█▌▄▅▉ ▄▋▅▌▋▉ ▊▆ ▌▋▊▌.▆▄▅ ▊▉▆▉▆▉▋
▅▇▉▌▆█▇▊ ▆▆▆▉█▅ ▉▋▌█▅▋▄█▊▉▄▅▍▊
Early exit from LODCell.ChangeLOD if the cell distance hasn't changed much (uses a percentage so farther cells are skipped more when moving around)
Add profiler samples for LODGrid, RendererGrid, FoliageGrid, and WorldGrid's inner loop
Get rid of two every frame allocations in ServerMgr.Update
Get rid of 0 length array allocations in Poolable
Immediately after instantiating the UI, disable its root game object, then enable it again. The time spent in UI every frame will then drop by 0.5ms.
app.info fixes: was giving an NRE because the companion server was not running