
5,400 Commits over 3,592 Days - 0.06cph!

44 Days Ago
Cherry picked Remove topology for monuments
44 Days Ago
water triggers inside canyon to remove ocean surface
44 Days Ago
unique environment test level reduced stack
44 Days Ago
autospawn folder for unique environment prefabs
44 Days Ago
unique environment - canyon_a scene setup
44 Days Ago
updated lake normal texture
44 Days Ago
unique environment - lake_a scene setup
45 Days Ago
merge from temperate cliffs rework
45 Days Ago
merge from PPD branch
45 Days Ago
added road rejection to jutting cliffs
45 Days Ago
extra jutting cliff prefab
46 Days Ago
jutting cliffs progress
47 Days Ago
enabled ppd on brick piles
47 Days Ago
large rock formation a test case jutting cliff test case
50 Days Ago
merge from Blend4Way double sided
50 Days Ago
rock formation prefabs (sea) radius and fade improvements
51 Days Ago
propagated the latest changes into procmap stack
51 Days Ago
underwater_divesites scene playable in editor
51 Days Ago
merge from main
53 Days Ago
updated rock formations updated world setup to spawn them
53 Days Ago
road/rail rejection for coastal cliffs
54 Days Ago
work in progress road/rail rejection for coastal cliffs
54 Days Ago
enabled permanent gizmo drawing on terrain filter when sticky gizmos active
55 Days Ago
Ported the new cliff stack into World Setup stack prefab for testing. Removed all old spawns of rocks/rock formations
55 Days Ago
radtown S2P
55 Days Ago
tweaks to scaffolding building stair
55 Days Ago
removed underscrores from camera names
55 Days Ago
Added an additional way to get on the radhouse roof
58 Days Ago
named cameras individually
58 Days Ago
merge from radtown_redux
58 Days Ago
radtown S2P
58 Days Ago
Added back door anim event sound component on residential door
58 Days Ago
changed door knock sound from metal to wood on residential door
58 Days Ago
fixed missing box colliders on ground floor chimneys in masterhouse
58 Days Ago
fixed electric fan b using fan a collider..
58 Days Ago
Fixed incorrect import options on colliders for radiators, vintage furniture, pushcarts, bathtub, large rubbish skip, radiactive vats, checkpoint hut, small rubbish skip, binbags, radhouse large
58 Days Ago
correct surface type on stairs from walkways set
58 Days Ago
Changed the technique for collider to Prevent Movement instead of transparent Changed to mesh lod
58 Days Ago
added missing ceiling box collider in recycler room of storage building large
58 Days Ago
fixed AC unit missing collision on roof, was mesh - not prefab
59 Days Ago
moved mesh colliders from LOD0 to parent on radhouse_large
59 Days Ago
bunch of tweaks along the way
59 Days Ago
assets gym scene - end?
59 Days Ago
assets gym scene wip
2 Months Ago
radtown S2P, refreshed HLOD
2 Months Ago
removing vertex stream components left over from vertex painting attemps fixing some left over issues with shed, storage warehouse components checked for decal projector issues
2 Months Ago
storage warehouse material tweaks
2 Months Ago
divesite scene cleanup
2 Months Ago
Added renderer batch component to binbag prefabs
2 Months Ago
adjusted spawn position for play mode to work