5,531 Commits over 3,683 Days - 0.06cph!
Static doors prefabs (unopenable)
Minecart wip
Plugged plenty of holes in my meshes
Military tunnels scene work backup
Military tunnels scene work backup
Crystals prefab with smoke and light for tunnels (static)
Timber mine model set WIP
Blend mask for rock_cliff_b
Military tunnels scene work backup
Scene view synced Camera script
Wood timber trims textures
Light fixtures prefab tweaks
Sewers to vents blocks, added spiral stairs to climb up the vents
Military tunnel backup
Plugged a few gaps in tunnel blocks
military tunnel re-work
tunnel blocks update, added collapsed tunnel end
Ladders on watch_tower_b are back on trigger layer
Airfield prefab update
Dungeon light prefabs update - fixed conflict with LightEx
Military tunnel scene/prefab update
Adding a couple of files manually
Picking relevant changesets from dungeon branch for transparency
Updated chainlink fence prefabs for glass transparency layer
Updated Hangar prefab for glass transparency layer
Updated watchtowers and office building prefabs for glass transparency layer
Rock_cliff_a texture change for a less noisy version
Updated the rock atlas textures to not include AO term and cavity in albedo for a less noisy result
Increased the satdish column draw distance
Increased the powerplant bottom part draw distance
Fix for RUST-1187
Added a pointlight to airfield antena to increase its visibility
Tunnel peekaboo glitch fix
Safe exchange shopfront models/LODs/Gibs/COLs & Prefabs
Procgen Railroad segment model/LODs/COL
Procgen roads segments models/LODs/textures
Old posters textures
Bus stop model, LODs, COLs and prefab
Procgen scenes and prefabs for power substations
airfield work backup
Power substation models/LODs/COLs/Prefabs and textures
airfield work backup
Tower antena models/LODs/COLs/Prefabs
airfield hangar COLs and prefabs
airfield work backup - added splashes of colours ~
airfield hangar final models/LODs
airfield work backup
hangar WIP models
removed a crate spawn from the runway (left over)
removing (deleting this time) rotors from the airfield helis
Fixed a missing collider on trainyard
Turned on objects that had been automatically turned off in dungeons
merge from dungeon 3
includes airfield rework, garage doors, static doors set, and more..