116,331 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Fixed Wood Storage Box skins pretending they're for the Large Wood Storage
bunch of fixes for thrown objects
proper orientation/sticking, obeys deploy delay
satchel requires 1 rope
ladder rope cost reduced
floor grill cost reduced
prison gate cost reduced
prison wall cost reduced
chainlink fence cost reduced
chainlink gate cost reduced
shopfront cost reduced
metal bars code reduced
armored bars cost reduced
wood bars cost reduced
embrasure a cost reduced
embaruse b cost reduced
salvaged tool blade cost tripled
can now find turret parts, stack of hqm and stacks of pipes in green boxes - no more sewing kits
wood boxes no longer produce barrel contents
slightly higher metal frag count from worst-case barrel drop
slightly more techparts when found
slightly more roadsigns when found
codelock no longer unlocks when first entering a code, just whitelists you (QoL)
codelock remove icon changed
thrownweapon.cs now triggers throw anim directly
deploy/repeat changes to charges
charge animators updated (bools removed)
Readded blueprints, restored old menu music, buffed crossbow, everyone spawns with ak
Updating items from v2 respects texture resize rules (instead of limiting all to 1024)
Fixed a rapid fire exploit
Fixed httpimage's not showing when loading from cache
Added server side weapon firing rate verification to BaseLauncher as well
Updated ProcmapBench scene
Additional foundation stacking fixes
m92 buff
mp5 craftable again (skin issue)
thrown spear damage increased (f u)
Added more workshop item types
lowered m92 reload time
manifest et al
Fixed mesh pop in (cave_medium_medium)
Fixed a foundation stacking exploit
Stricter melee / projectile AH (reduced padding)
Fixed cave bucket lift animator being stripped from server builds
Fixed mesh pop in (cave_medium_medium)
Fixed pillars / walls / floors being allowed to reach into prevent building volumes (deployables, dungeons)
Fixed some deployables being placeable partially inside constructions
Fixed bucket lift never going back down (hopefully)
Finished power generators/COL/LODs
Fixed mesh pop in (cave_large_sewers_hard)
deploy event SFX setup for survey charge, beancan & f1 grenade
Fixed mesh pop in (cave_large_hard)
Fixed NREs from entities that spawn as child objects of cave pieces
Merge from save139 (caves)
More culling volume fixes for cave_large_medium
Culling volume fixes for cave_large_medium
Water bottle sounds
Bota bag sounds
fix for repeating thrown objects (c4 etc)
Reverted material_zoo scene outdated Camera and Sky to prefab