31,202 Commits over 3,928 Days - 0.33cph!
Fixed beam shadow uv tiling issues with variable beam length; now world scaled
Replaced planar fade strength with actual angles; more intuitive
Enabled vertex compression in player settings
Don't network spectating players
Fixed bug reporting error
Divide by zero error (uncommon)
Made player movement more direct
Batching vertex count / submesh cutoff is adjustable via convars
Added refresh_colliders and refresh_renderers console commands
Added automatic mesh splitting to collider batching
changed material settings for some of the addon textures so they don't look so blurry from firstperson
tweaked the 3rd person rifle pose so it's more aligned with the 1st person.
Yield a frame from time to time during stability warmup (temp fix for Multiplay killing our process on startup)
Fixed NETRCV_ReadBytes returned false on suicide
reference coroutines by IEnumerator because stopping them with the Coroutine class throws errors (300 errors an hour)
Fixed keys.cfg overriding new keys added in keys_default.cfg
Entity stability values are now saved and loaded
Stability warmup is much faster (and almost free if values have been saved)
Stability refresh is faster (terminates after less iterations)
All stability parameters can now be adjusted by admins
Stability distance from ground is displayed in the editor
merge from main/soundpolish
fixed all weapon ikhold positions so they work with bonescaling.
Simpler/nicer/actually working for for the view stretch thing
Fixed possibilities of ghost items if giving to full inventories
Change FOV when screen aspect is high to avoid being able to side-eye through walls
Roofs can no longer be placed downwards
Reduced roof max placement distance
Refresh batched building mesh when rotating building parts
added light toggle to keybinds
Fixed some speeling mistakes
GamePhysics now uses the new allocation-free physics API
Downed rain collision quality